The way we procreate defines our ability to thrive. It's a matter of utmost urgency - every day babies are being born into unnecessary suffering, with easily avoidable, harmful complications, which limbically imprint their nervous system with suffering as the 'norm' and diminishes their capacity for intimacy and kindness. In the US, 95% of all births areconsidered traumatic, according to one of the pioneers in the field of prenatal psychology, Dr. William Emerson. In his 1995 study he rates 45% as “severe trauma” and 50 % as ‘moderate’. "Birth As We Know It" shows an alternative: it shows women who approached the art of people-making consciously and with dignity. It is called by the midwifery community 'the most comprehensive guide to natural birth". It has recently been included as mandatory curriculum in allmedical schools and Universities in the country of Iran, and has won multiple awards. The film received a lengthy standing ovation at the Human Rights Conference in Seattle, WA in August 2006. It has also been featured in many magazines, talked about on many radio shows and evenshown at a Hawaii State Senate hearing, dedicated to prevention of domestic violence.Film creator Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova was one of the pioneers of 'Conscious Birth Movement' in Russia since 1982. She now travels extensively, teaching her 'Birth Into Being' workshops and presenting at conferences all over the world. Dr. Christiane Northrup is wholeheartedly endorsing Elena’s work and after attending Elena’s workshop with both ofher daughters, she dedicated most of her March of '08 newsletter to praising it.