I am in Israel embarking on possibly the greatest endeavor of my life and look forward to your participation and help. For decades friends have been telling me how great it would be if a film was made following my adventures around the world. I recently turned 60 and if not now, when?
Our documen...tary Occupy Your Heart is moving along, the momentum is growing. There are many peace projects under way here in Israel and we have the opportunity to become involved, bringing music and healing to Arab/Christian/Palestinian/Jewish children at schools working to increase harmony between these groups. There are many art-based peace initiatives around Israel we would like to be part of. Music is the universal language of love; bringing music and healing to all these places is creating change and inspiring people.
If you feel it in your heart, make a gift so that I may make a dream come true and leave a gift of hope in the form of a film and a new CD. The majority of the proceeds will go to the five charities that are listed on indiegogo.com .
Forward this to anyone you know would appreciate being informed or involved.
Thank you
Visit our campaign on www.indiegogo.com/occupyyourheart
Your donations will help, thank you.
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