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10895905693?profile=originalBy John David Van Hove

Reviewers Note: You can now purchase her new e-book edition of the book on her website at:

From the expression of gratitude to the “angel” who guided the authoring of this fine book, “Appointment with Destiny,” to the finalchapters in this exquisite metaphysical love story, this work of literary greatness shines with the light, hope and possibility for humankind.

Beginning with the “Present” comes a momentary reflection from the afterlife by the primary character Naina who wakes from her earthly slumber and realizes she is “dead” to the physical world of duality, but very much alive in the Spirit World.

Her Twin-Ray Christopher suddenly appears in brilliant light to join her. Thus begins a grand adventure in review of their mortal journey on earth, a rewind of their great story, in fact all of our stories as well. Interspersed throughout the novel are essays of guidance from the Ascended Masters introducing each section of the book and bits of
wisdom from the “Cosmic Law of Attraction.”

Naina’s life story begins in a contemporary city Udaipar, in the regal and exotic state of Rajasthan, India in a humble household. Her life encompasses a yearning for a celestial reunion with her Knight-in-White-Armor, a gift of magnificent healing abilities channeling the “Universal Life Force Energy” and an unexpected Indian wedding to the great sovereign Maharana, Sri Bahadur Tej Singh of Udaipur. “A wedding is said to be always an event, but a marriage is believed to be an achievement.”

This arrangement with the Maharana catapults the young virginal woman into another world of power and deep loneliness for Naina did not marry for love. In fact she believed it was the “sunset of love” instead. “It is only when the ego is dead, can a marriage become a sacred union of two souls.”

Eventually Naina breaks her icy disposition and accepts the Maharana’s umbrella of warm endearment and learns that “love is an expression of ecstasy.” Soon this new-found comfort crumbles into the despair of having giving up her dream of the White Knight. But through isolation and often despair we are introduced to our true self and a deepened sense of self-realization arises.

This was the case with Naina.

10895905300?profile=originalNow, she was competent to face adversities and disappointments with the grace and propensity of an inner realization. She knew how to remove the walls of fear, insecurities, inadequacies, lack and anguish.

Chapter by chapter of this epic tale progresses with an enlightening story of eternal love – a single white rose among a cluster of white-roses, interlacing old mythologies from ancient India including the Chitorgarh fortress, the famous Taj Mahal and a gallant surprise rescue from her kidnappers by the White Knight himself.

It is during her rescue Naina meets her Twin-Ray Christopher Kumar on earth for the first-time – a highly charged Divine Connection urgently transposed between both souls. This buzzing of high-powered excitation empowers a Celestial Union between the two known strangers. Herein lies a detailed description of Soulmates and Twin-Rays and the metaphysical significance of a Divine Union.

Though this auspicious meeting of souls happened quite remarkably so, it doesn’t necessarily end-up in immediate marital or romantic bliss for Naina and Christopher, as she was already betrothed to the Maharana and he was predisposed to his life in the private secret service force in Bombay. Thus years of separation ensue whereby the two lovers cannot be with each other as they might have desired.

The story goes on with many surprising twists and turns. Rarely have I read a story that kept my interest from page to page as this novel does. Highly recommended reading for any of you on the path of self-realization and discovery.

Author Website: Sangeeta Handa

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WalterUrbanCR-288.jpg?width=288Originally from the USA, after 12 years in Costa Rica, Dr. Walter Urban, a former Raw Spirit presenter, is opening up his many properties to commence  raw vegan-spiritual communities. Dr. Walter is offering various properties for sale or joint ventures to qualified, motivated, serious, committed buyers. A raw foodist for more than 50 years (!) and prior owner of a health spa in CA, Dr. Walter is registered with the Medical Board of California. He has a government license for the ENERGY OF LIFE INSTITUTE in Costa Rica and is interested in selling these special properties or co-creating intentional communities focused on health, spirituality, raw food, and beyond.

1) 85 acres of mountain side with 2 drinkable springs $500,000.

2) 9 acres with renovated mansion, small house, studio, cabin, workshop, organic greenhouse and farm with stream and bridge on paved road, bus to front door, total of 8 bedrooms and 7 baths, 18 ft ceilings in living room, etc. unique property $1,495,000.

3) 30 acre organic farm with 9 available lots on part of property, various fruit trees, etc. property has small farm house, lot sizes start at 2000 M2 and up and start at $ 35,000 and  can be sold separately, entire 30 acres including 9 lots $435,000, excellent soil and climate on hillside, very private.

4) 9 acres divided in 3 lots, with orange, banana, plaintains each lot is 2 1/2 acres or more, prices are $45,000, $50,000 and $55,000, all  3 lots together $125,000.

5) 25 jungle acres with 250 ft waterfall and natural pool at bottom $440,000.

6) $250,000 for 4 bedroom, 3 bath house in town of San Isidro De General, Costa Rica. Access via paved road. Features mango, papaya and lemon trees.

Walter is open to all possibilities to qualified, serious, motivated inquiries only please. I have a Costa Rican government license for the Energy of Life Institute with the intention of creating a Raw Foods & Healing Center. My master builder and organic farmer are included.

These properties are in Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica, and near the city of San Isidro De General, Costa Rica.

Also For Sale: Our small farm in Colombia near Medellin with 17-bed farm house, great for workshops and retreats.

Financial investment required, open to exchanges and your business ideas. Blessings, with peace, love and spirituality,
~ Dr. Walter Urban

Email: OR Skype: doctorwalter1

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Global Water Initiative

10895905467?profile=originalThe Global Water Initiative works to improve water management policies, research, investment and knowledge resources for sustainable agricultural production and improved food security.

10895905481?profile=originalWe advocate globally and support specific action research in Central AmericaEast Africa and West Africa. We bring together complementary resources and expertise from our partner organizations including CARE, CRS, IIED and IUCN, and work in collaboration with governments and local stakeholders in the regions we work.

Our principles:

  • Maintaining or improving water quality while conserving its use as a limited resource.
  • Developing and promoting sustainable agriculture systems, while improving knowledge and social learning.
  • Empowering small farmers – especially women – while improving human well-being and fostering sustainable livelihoods.

How we implement change:

  • GWI believes that evidence, empowerment, and learning are essential elements in delivering efficient, effective and equitable solutions for achieving food and water security.
  • A revitalized smallholder rain-fed sector is critical for food security and water resource management. Change at scale requires leadership and investment by both the public and private sectors.
  • Stimulating and promoting understanding of how enabling environments and/or incentives for investments by small-scale farmers are critically important.  Jumpstarting responsible investments in agriculture and water management systems will positively impact smallholder farmers as well as contribute to food and water security on a wider scale.

Source: Global Water Initiative

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Greetings, Comrades

Greetings to all who may happen across this portal page

  This is one of the main avenues I have chosen to share, encourage, shed light on and bridge the gap between what is our immediate experience to that which is our future now and all its possibilities. 

  Within this portal I will share opportunities for growth, expansion, beauty and balance in every aspect from the reflection in the mirror, to our blessed furry companions to the financial, quite frankly, many subjects under the sun.  But with a twist.  

  The twist is in the highlighting of the transformation from a paradigm which no longer is supported by the natural evolutionary changes occurring in our hearts, mind, spirit and world to a powerfully creative, liberating, power claiming, and sovereign experience. 

  These are subjects which have been covered in great detail by the experts from which I draw upon and share.   My intent is a Celebration of Life, Possibilities, and Our Future Now.   So I will bring to these pages information, images from a variety of paths to bring awareness.  Some may be beautiful, others may be a bit jarring, some subjects may have already been exhausted, some enlightening.  In reality these descriptions would of course be subjective but I will say that although I encourage the spirit to fly and the heart to sing, I believe it is important to take note that we are still in this 3rd dimensional reality which has conditioned us into believing limitations beyond that which serves us. 

  We must keep in mind that the fabric of reality is so malleable that by our emotions and convictions we conjure such experiences which we consider “it is the way that it is”, yet… It is NOT.   We simply need to become aware and make new choices.   We must keep in mind that the hypnotic state humanity has been in necessitates repeated exposure to a higher truth, even if it is unpleasant to realize the state we have chosen to incorporate or embody.  At the moment of the realization of a limiting aspect of ourselves, our society and our world we can then choose to embark on and champion a new path.  These pages are to share with you but are as much for my own reconditioning and evolution as it is for yours.  We are in this together.   And that is the path I will highlight here within this portal.   This is the  raison d’etre of these pages.  

  With this,  I Wish you all a Magical Existence,  Quantum Leaps into the nature of yourself one would have thought was limited to a  movie screen,  Freedom of Mind and Spirit and above all Love and acknowledgement that It Is Time.  We Are Here in the the Most Magnificent times ever, in our world history since the Big Bang, however you may interpret that. 

Happy Voyages,  and KNOW WE ARE FREE!


Salutations to All my comrades.

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By Happy Oasis, Raw Spirit Community News

ow we wash our clothes intimately reflects the quality of our relationship with nature, joy and life. My Beloved, Johnny Light, and I are traveling indefinitely in our cozymost, humble, little eco-rv, fondly called our "Creational Vehicle". Arriving at a new town today, the appeal of going to a laundromat feels less than tantalizing.

For 20 joyous years I lived out of a backpack, two-booting it around the planet, gladly washing my two changes of clothing by hand in mountaintop stream springs near forest fire lookout towers, in East Indian riverfront ashrams' community baths, Buddhist Thai and Burmese jungle temples' pools, beneath Malaysian island waterfalls, between venerable trees at Mexican mortar and pestle outdoor 'laundromats', occasionally doing the twist with a foot in each bucket, sometimes resorting to the loveliest and laziest of all: swimming in my dresses.

Just between us, I'd like to share this private conversation with my beloved.

"Happy, Did you say, 'Wash our clothes in the river?' Why would we do that?, he winced. "Nobody washes their clothing by hand!"

"All of humanity has been washing its clothes by hand," I reminded him, "for several millennia, except a recent abberation where in a few dozen countries washing machines have gained popularity for the last 60 years ~ a mere drop in the bucket of humanity's timeline."

"At the laundromat it takes only an hour and a half," he reasoned.

10895904863?profile=original"If we do it together," I smilingly persisted, "it will take us only about 20 vigorous minutes of dunking, scrubbing, splash-slapping and squeeze-wringing". "Then," I explained, "we simply spread the clothes out on the largest, darkest, hottest boulders. After a half hour we flip the clothing. After an hour in the tepid weather, our clothing will be as if starch-dried, stiff as a board, and crisp as raw crackers!"

"What about the ecology?", he wondered aloud, not convinced.

"Exactly. Imagine this. No industrial machines. No electricity. No grumbling, rumbling noises. No detergent. No whizzing traffic. No dreary ambiance. No coins. $10 saved and better spent elsewhere on green drinks and smoothies."

"I mean, what about getting soap in the river?"

"We use no soap at all," I said. "Yet, the aroma of clean river-washed, sun-dried clothing exudes the freshest scent imaginable!"

"With our clothing strewn across the boulders, people will think we're from the Backwaters of Goodness-Knows-Where."

"We will be in the backwaters. People will think we're living in a state of joyful wild abandon."

"We are!", he exclaimed. "Every day!"

"And night", I added.

"What kind of wild adventure are you taking me on next?"

"What you will find most precious of all, Treasured Beloved, is how we enjoy our time while "waiting" for the sunshine to do the work. At Nature's River Laundromat, we are free to dip our feet into the river, listen to the giggling currents, gaze at the water shimmer-glistening..."

"...We are free to swim, splash and stretch; to sunbathe alongside our clothes; pick fat blackberries, suck on wild grapes, and feast on succulent figs, maybe even hike to some hidden valley with a guitar and songs in our hearts… we could possibly even make beautiful love in a secret spot beneath the trees."

"All this while waiting for our laundry to dry?," he smiled.

"Yes! Or we could just go to a laundromat if you find that more inspiring." ~ Happy

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Five months of intensive research, collating 670 research and news sources, are compacted in this succinct, readable and entertaining 167-page compendium about the “pandemic”. It provides a comprehensive overview for those with an open mind, still willing to learn, to expand perspectives far beyond media tidbits. This is the Dawning of the Corona Age. 

May we remove our masks - and blindfolds - to take notice of what is actually rapidly happening around us to navigate how we can still “live free in an unfree world”.

This newly released book is dedicated to you. Thank you for educating yourself, “thinking twice before you think”, calmly sharing your insights, acting wisely and thereby reclaiming authority over your life!

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flagbutterfly-288.jpgBy Johnny Liberty

The sovereignty and freedom movement at the turn of the millennium was leading the political culture to reexamine fundamental assumptions and the rightful role of government at every level in our daily affairs.
  1. Should the federal government have a limited or unlimited capacity to legislate or be restricted within the original intent of the U.S. Constitution? Is the separation of powers doctrine still in effect or have all three branches of government collapsed into one?
  2. Should the sovereign rights of the State Citizen within the State Republics be legislated or regulated away without constitutional authority? Does the federal government have the right to take our rightful citizenship away?
  3. Should the monied powers and central banks (e.g., Federal Reserve Bank), including their collection agencies (e.g., IRS), be allowed to dominate and control the political and legal landscape and take advantage of the system for their private or public corporate benefit?
  4. Should the tax laws and other laws be obeyed without question even if they lack constitutional or legislative authority? As in early revolutionary days (e.g., Boston Tea Party) do We the People not have the right to withhold our taxes as a form of protest against the unlawful or unjust activities of government?
  5. Do We the People have the sovereign right to petition for redress of grievances and the government has an obligation to respond to said petitions? Is this not a right inherent in all free countries under the Law of Nations?


irsbuilding-288.jpg?w=195Tenth Anniversary of IRS Raids
Today is the 10th year anniversary of the IRS raids executed against Johnny Liberty's home and business on February 28th, 2001 at 7PM HST - six months before 9/11 and two months after Bush was allegedly elected as President of the United States. This was part of the largest IRS operation in history against 36 locations on the same day/same time simultaneously in three countries.

At that time about two-dozen leaders, including Mr. Liberty, was at the forefront of the largest political movement gaining momentum at the turn of the millennium - the freedom, sovereignty and tax-honesty movement with over 63 million non-filers (by the IRS's own estimates) refusing to pay taxes as a form of political protest against the rising power of the New World Order.

Sovereignty & Freedom Movement
Because of the educational materials we developed and marketing worldwide, thousands of books and best-selling audio courses, millions of people were being educated along the lines of individual sovereignty and strategically withdrawing from U.S. jurisdiction and taking their money with them.

This caught the attention of the U.S. Congress in subcommittee when they declared war upon us. Within months discrediting stories were circulated in the mainstream media and investigations were launched resulting in the execution of the search warrants via the IRS criminal investigation unit on this historic day.

Historic in that it changed everyone's personal and professional life forever, but also signaled the beginning of the end of America as a free country with any rights whatsoever.

The powers-that-be decreed on that day that only the U.S. corporation had any rights as the seat of government of the democracy. We the People had no right to petition, no right to protest or dissent, no right to challenge centralized authority through lawful means.

The Republic had effectively been annihilated and with it any vestige of personal sovereignty of We the People or their respective States of the Union. Then little more than six months later a coup d'tat occurred post-911 where every branch of the federal government was militarized and deputized with police powers the U.S. Constitution never granted them.

Now, ten years later we live in another country, in another world determined not by the rule of law, but the rule of the elite few who would write and pass laws while exempting themselves from their effects. All branches of government have collapsed into one, an oligarchy of the government, by the corporation and for the global elite (not of, by and for the people anymore).

gsh-200x240_.jpgWho was Johnny Liberty?
In his time circa (1990 - 2010) he was a great, unsung American hero, a brave rainbow warrior who stood up to the powers-that-be and declared for all the world to hear - advocating sovereignty and freedom for all the people.

Through the power of the pen and the spoken world he inspired millions to open their eyes to the world around them and challenge not only authority by the reality being projected around us through media propaganda and social conditioning.

As the primary researcher and contributor to the "Global One Audio Course" published by GPG/IGP and author of the "Global Sovereign's Handbook" published by ICR with detailed compilations of history, law and economics, he took the politically incorrect stand against the rise of socialist welfare states and suggested that we the people are sovereign and have the lawful right to govern our own affairs independent of the federal government.

This revolutionary stand eventually cost him five years of his life as a political prisoner. He spent two years in federal prison and three years on a short leash on probation. Seven international businesses were destroyed along with a vision for the new millennium which failed to come to pass as a result of the IRS raids and resulting indictment, prosecution and conviction. See press releases...
Rarely has their walked this earth such a man willing to risk it all for the sake of the whole of humanity. His story began over twenty years ago and took him on a road few have travelled before or since. Like Crazy Horse of the Oglala Lakota tribe he considered himself to be the last free American State Citizen of the Republic who took his individual sovereignty and the restoration of the Republic seriously. He went where others feared to tread.

Millions followed his lead, more or less, and rose up to challenge authority peacefully and non-violently at every level of government usurped by the monied powers internationally and their respective lobby groups in Washington D.C.

Through acts of civil disobedience and filing legal paperwork, giving notice to various agencies of government of their unlawful and corrupt activities, this notion of individual sovereignty grew to huge proportions within a few years towards the millennia shift which was on everybody's mind.

The government felt threatened and had to do something to turn the tide backwards.

The sovereignty movement peaked, splintered and subsided after the IRS raids in 2001. Resulting prosecutions over the next five years left no less than 40 of it's leaders behind bars and/or bankrupt including Mr. Johnny Liberty (aka John David Van Hove).

Since then the notion of reclaiming all seven aspects of sovereignty (e.g., physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, economic, legal and political), an ancient seed planted once again over twenty years ago, has taken root in the hearts and minds of many young people and over the Internet during these closing days of American empire. This is a reminder to honor our unsung heroes, the founders, our ancestors and all indigenous people who came before us.

As Jefferson advised, "God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion."

As Franklin said, "We have given you a Republic, if you can keep it."

Johnny Liberty would say,"By casting off the chains of mental and economic slavery and living all seven aspects of sovereignty - the next quantum leap of consciousness for all humanity shall arise."

John David Van Hove, (aka Johnny Liberty), is an author, educator, researcher, community organizer and networker, entrepreneur, musician and performing artist and public speaker extraordinaire in many topic areas including individual sovereignty, freedom and liberty, history, law, economics, money and the nature of global power structures.

He authored the best–selling "Global Sovereign's Handbook,""Allodial Titles & Land Patents" and other books, produced two audio courses including the "Global One Audio Course,""Success Education Course" and a film entitled "The Taboo of Sovereignty, Money, Love & Power."

As a consequence of the controversial political notion that all the people are born sovereign and free in America, Johnny spent two years in federal prison and understands the legal system from the inside out. He authored a "Federal Criminal Defendant's Handbook" while incarcerated.

He's back on the lecture circuit with the topic "Vision for a New America & the World."

Resources & Archival Education Materials:
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The Turning Point by Gregg Braden

10895902678?profile=original"The better we know ourselves, the better equipped we are to thrive in the time of extremes.” ~ Gregg Braden

The Turning Point: Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes

The greatest shift in history! Gregg Braden’s newest book offers a thrilling and hopeful journey into our vastly changing world and demonstrates how surviving can become joyous thriving.

The Turning Point is a scientific exploration that brings comfort and understanding, and ultimately, alleviates fear and uncertainty while allowing us to make better choices and decisions in our lives.

Gregg answers the most important question on our minds today: How do we positively adapt to a rapidly, ever changing world?  The answers surprise and fascinate as Gregg explores ancient ways of traversing extremes while directly applying this wisdom to the real world we live in today. 

Using a scientific approach, he explains why the biggest crisis is not in the problems we face, but in our old ways of thinking in solving these new crises.  He’ll prove we already have the new solutions for today’s most pressing problems, and he’ll explain what we need to do right now to allow those solutions to manifest in our lives. 

10895902899?profile=originalKey Discussions Include:

  • The New Normal: Why Now is Different and What it Means in Our Lives
  • The Facts About Climate Change: Embracing Data Without the Spin
  • Our Economy, Our Relationships and Sharing Precious Resources
  • The New Solutions and How to Implement Them in Our Lives Now
  • How to Gain the Evolutionary Edge – Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes
  • A Better World is Already Here – 3 Potential Scenarios

In this easy to understand synthesis, Gregg identifies the facts of the crises we face, describes new scientific discoveries that are pivotal to personal and global transformation and reveals simple strategies of resilient thinking and living to help us cope with these rapid changes in a positive way.

As a special gift to help you on your journey through creating resilience in a time of extremes, Gregg has created an exclusive package of bonus tools (listed below) which includes a FREE live online event, downloads and lessons.

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10895903893?profile=originalBy Cynthia Clayton (Karima)

Live your life without reactivity. It’s all okay. It’s just going on. God is secretly in charge. If I see drama – it’s souls helping each other learn lessons. If I feel drama – it’s me learning a lesson. It’s all school, the Divine’s playground of experiencing life and love, and truly, laughter.

If I remember who I am - it makes it easier. If I remember who you are - it makes it easier. If I remember the greatest truth: that you are me, I have made you, you are my mirror, it becomes… endearing. If I can love you no matter what - it makes me feel the best, because I am loving me. When I look at you and you are glowing with happiness or lost in sadness, either way, I see the Christ longing to be recognized and seen. Who watches you? It is the Christ, also wanting to be loved and seen.

The Christ is God’s exuberance, otherness, his lovingness, what he became to experience love. When the Christ in me sees the Christ in you - it is simply God looking in the mirror. I watch you, me, happiness, sadness, turmoil, decisions decisions, ponderous thinking, wanting, longing, sufferings. Without reacting on a deep level. This Peace needs nothing else. Does it enjoy a dance, a kiss, helping a child-nature rise by my actions and love? Of course!

But at the center, nothing is or ever was going on. No reaction. Living a full life means keep the Watcher, until all action is from unconditional love and no thought of self or how self is looking or is self getting credit or seen as its glorious self. Then, the Watcher is not needed. You have truly allowed God to live in your skin.

And there is only JOY… GRACE… RAPTURE

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10895904274?profile=originalGrowing Epidemic of Mind-Body Fracturing

Ayurvedic physician Sushruta correlated obesity to diabetes and heart disease thousands of years ago. The main causes of obesity relate directly to lifestyle, with people becoming more sedentary in addition to eating meat-based diets. When will Americans learn that fixed and strict diets don’t work?

Everyone has to eat and the concept of one diet that works for everyone is another American dream. This is where the wisdom of Ayurveda’s tri-dosha science is very effective. It is endorses eating a diet specifically attuned to our individual constitutional (prakriti) needs and nature’s seasonal cycle.

What is American food? It’s everything and anything we want to eat, as we do not have a staple food. Such variety plays havoc on our stomachs, the most sensitive organ in the body. The American diet is influenced by a diverse range of cultures and countries, as is also the case with large urban areas that attract a diverse population. These buffet-style diets disturb and over-burden the human digestive system, never really giving it a chance to get acclimated or habituated to a type of food. Such is the crux of the ever-expanding body and the weakening of the digestive fire or jatharagni.

These destructive dietary patterns are no longer limited to America, but are slowly developing in all major international cities, as globalization continues. Only the adoption of a natural system like Ayurveda can save us. Yoga preaches simple living, and Ayurveda preaches a simple diet and seasonal eating. Yoga recommends fasting occasionally on fresh juices and teas, and both sciences adhere to a vegetarian diet and cooking with herbs and spices. Even though vegetarianism is regarded as vital to purifying the mind and body, meat is eaten in Ayurveda in cases of specific medical conditions.

There is no question that obesity is a growing epidemic in America and around the world, particularly in the last thirty years. Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death, after smoking. The United States leads the world in obesity, which affects over 30% of the population. Obesity among adolescents has tripled. This is not a disease brought on by an infection or foreign agent, but is attributed to lack of cardiovascular function or type-two diabetes. It is also a lifestyle issue of over-eating and large food portions.

Food Consumerism

A plant-based or vegetarian diet has become a growing part of our mainstream culture. Many studies have proven it can lead to greater health. A greater number of people are choosing to eat vegetarian because it makes sense intellectually. Vegetarianism is also tied into the growing environmental or “green” movement. A community of people who are living more consciously is emerging as the voice of environmental issues, and their influence is also extending to medicine and politics.

Well-researched studies have proven that meat is difficult to digest, contains toxins present the blood of the animals, and is high in fats that can promote diabetes and increase cholesterol and the incidence heart disease. According to yoga and Ayurvedic principles, meat is considered a low nutritional grade, karma-increasing (tamasic) food that has many health implications and is contrary to the principle of nonviolence.

A common problem with the standard American diet is quantity. Meals are simply too large and highly caloric. Large quantities of food consumed at a single meal bog down the digestive system. If the meal includes red meat, it slows the system even more, leading to increased weight and body fat.

Animals raised in feedlots, like 43% of the world's beef, accumulate omega 6 fatty acids,1a family of unsaturated fatty acids (“bad fats”) that have been linked with cancer, diabetes, obesity, and immune disorders. Approximately 70% of all antibiotics in the United States are fed to pigs, poultry, and cattle, to increase growth and to counter sanitation issues caused by animals being confined to atrocious living conditions. The US is the largest consumer of beef in the world. In 2001, Eric Schlosser published his bookFast Food Nation, which gives a very raw account of today’s factory-farm system.

There are many ecological drawbacks to producing meat as well. The amount of water and land required is enormous. Meat products have to be trucked great distances as farms and slaughterhouses are located in less costly commercial and rural areas.

In a New York Times article, “Rethinking the Meat Guzzler,” Mark Bittman writes, “Americans eat about the same amount of meat as we have for some time, about eight ounces a day, roughly twice the global average. At about 5 percent of the world’s population, we ’process’ (that is, grow and kill) nearly 10 billion animals a year, more than 15 percent of the world’s total.” Bittman is the author of a great book entitled How to Cook Everything Vegetarian, with many simple recipes for those looking for alternatives to a meat-based diet. The repercussions of America’s approach to diet are clear and obviously a major cause of many chronic diseases and our dependence on a healthcare system with major disparities.

Changing the Diet Trend

There are many things we can do to begin to change our health and our society’s habits. The first and foremost is to change your own diet and set an example for others to live by. Mahatma Gandhi famously said, “Be the change that you want to see in the world.” Others will follow your example. I have seen how my own example has influenced many others to eat less meat, because, as a vegetarian, I excelled as a competitive athlete and was able to maintain substantial muscle mass, disproving a common myth about a non- meat diet. The myth of needing a high-quantity protein diet will eventually be dispelled, but many Americans now have little education on where to find protein in non-meat foods, like almonds, lentils, eggs, and many types of grains. Meat-eating societies have become fearful of not maintaining enough protein in their diets out of fear of losing muscle mass and strength: another huge myth. In fact, most Americans and meat-eaters in general eat more protein than they can actually digest, bogging the digestive organs down and stressing the liver and kidneys.

According to Ayurvedic principles each constitutional type (dosha) has different requirements in order to keep balance of the elements (air, fire, water, earth). The tri- dosha system is comprised of vata (air), pitta (fire) and kapha (water and earth) and each has its unique qualities that influence the body and mind.

Vata types are influenced by the central nervous system and, having the lowest amount of body fat and muscular density, are delicate and can be sensitive and generally very lean. As a result they can benefit most from bulking foods such as dairy products, pastas, oils, and nuts, which are higher in fat and calories. Vata types have a tendency to struggle when digesting large portions, or dry or cold foods, as their digestive fires can be a bit weak. Therefore, it is best if they eat warm, cooked, hearty foods.

Pitta types are hot. Being muscular and very focused, with strong digestive systems, usually get away with eating anything they like. As their digestion is viscous, they usually fall prey to over-eating at meals. Fruits, vegetables, grains, and cooling green salads are good for these fire types.

Kapha types are stable, naturally hold more body fat and tend to eat more slowly and frequently. Their digestive systems are generally the most consistent, but in the evening they should try to eat foods that minimize dairy content, oil, salt, and most particularly starch, such as breads, pastas, potatoes and so on.

There are specific foods from each food group—nuts, legumes, grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy—that each dosha should be cautioned against during appropriate seasons and in certain locations Much of this can be found in Ayurvedic cookbooks, and is usually also included in consultations with practitioners.

“One-for-all” fixed diet plans don’t work, because they force different body types with different metabolisms to adjust to the same foods. Much is compromised by forcing individuals to adhere to foods that do not accord with the elements and qualities of their dosha. One of Ayurveda’s basic, essential dietary wisdom tenets is learning which foods are most beneficial to your system, according to the season, in order to attain balanced digestion. It is crucial to follow dietary rules that take a person’s imbalances (vikriti) into account, in order not to create discomfort and disease.

There are a number of simple things that can help change current diet trends when purchasing food. Buying from local farmers at weekly markets or small independent stores insures that you are supporting smaller family-owned companies that place more attention on quality than quantity. Buying fresh, organic, seasonal foods is also important, as many larger food companies freeze and spray foods with wax-type preservatives to extend shelf life. The use of pesticides has become a prominent concern, as we now recognize how taste and nutritional value are compromised. As companies find more ways to make money, consumer health suffers.

When possible, we should avoid purchasing canned or packaged foods that have lost their life force (prana) and capacity to nourish the immune system (ojas). I feel that one of main issues with health in the US and most large cities is immune-system depletion largely as a result of poor diets that lack real nutrition or prana. Another fact previously discussed is the over-dependence on stimulants, such as coffee, that curb the appetite, and similarly on the many weight-loss products that tax the adrenals.

Shopping for food more frequently and purchasing it in smaller quantities insure that the food you eat is fresh and will not spoil. It is hard to imagine how much food is wasted in many households and the commercial restaurant industry, when approximately 35 million people in United States, the wealthiest country in the world, live in poverty. The western mentality of over-sized over-abundance and over-accumulation will, I hope, gradually change in many respects, from diet to lifestyle. Westerners must learn to find contentment in simplicity and happiness from the inside out, as we continue to create new values that are based on intangibles and lifestyles that connect us to each other and nature.

When dining out, try to choose restaurants that are more sattvic, a Sanskrit word that refers to organic, vegetarian foods cooked by peaceful people in places owned by individuals who make an effort to live in an ethical and sustainable manner. The energetic value of food cannot be ignored on the path to higher consciousness. The great Saint Sri Ramakrishna once rejected food that was served to him because the energy it was infused with during preparation was impure and lacked balanced, positive vibrations. He could feel it, and so can we if we realign our mind-body relationship.

We must become more conscious buyers and take greater responsibility for the choices we make and the influence they may have upon others. Conscious food choices support sustainable agriculture and farms’ ability to produce food for an indefinite period without causing severe damage to the ecosystem. Sustainability is vital with respect to health, poverty, and the future evolution of this planet. Sustainability’s two key aspects are biophysical, long-term effects on the soil, and socio-economic, farmers’ ability to manage their farms fairly and justly. Sustainable agriculture, a farming method that is growing rapidly worldwide, depends on replenishing the soil while minimizing the use of non- renewable resources

The Solution

What I present in this book is the application of an education based on universal law and the wisdom of the Ancients. As taught in the yoga and Ayurveda traditions, this wisdom is founded on an integral relationship between the mind, body, and soul that reflects the grander relationship of the sun, moon, and earth. The blind can no longer lead the blind, unless we prefer self-denial and self-destruction. We must rely more on time-tested scientific methods not concocted by any particular individual, but which represent the truths the sun, moon, and earth demonstrate to us. We could say their relationship is the voice of the Divine.

Yoga and Ayurveda reflect the scientific truths and universal laws that govern the planet earth. They provide us with an innovative approach and insights that can help humanity solve the mystery of creation. Ancient wisdom encourages us to embark on a lifestyle revolution. The Vedas make the bold proclamation that all beings emancipate themselves to realize that Divinity is their birthright. This is about directing our energy back to ourselves so that each and every individual in this world will begin to take responsibility for his or her own life and partake in the burgeoning relationship between our spirit and nature.

We must take these steps with courage. Without great courage and social and personal independence, mankind will remain attached to the idea that solutions to health, strife, inequality, and peace can be attained through outer change, something outside of one’s own mind-body-consciousness relationship. Vedic wisdom (vidya) is based on self- empowerment as the windows and doorways to discovering our Higher Self. Our minds must be clear, visionary, and embrace the power of the light to see through the “windows” of life’s ever-changing experiences. The body serves us as a vehicle for personally responsible actions as we walk through the “doorways” of opportunity and growth to follow our highest dharma, self-realization.

It may seem that, as the demand for the magical, mystical wisdom of the East grows, the world seems to be regressing at the same time. There is some truth to this as not everyone is evolving in a pure or sattvic direction equally.

It is clear that the greater majority of the world seeks to find peace and happiness in new ways that bring more abundance, consistency, and everlasting joy. The world is designed in such a way that we can learn through repeated effort. If we do not learn our lesson through a certain experience, there will always be another opportunity. We learn and change through pain and suffering. Positive discoveries arrive from having experienced the negative, and so the forces of nature provide the power to transcend the cycles of birth and death (samsara).

Yoga shows us the occult relationship these positive and negative energies share with the individual and the cosmos, while Ayurveda demonstrates their use in the practical relationship between our physiology and nature. Together, yoga and Ayurveda bridge the gap between mind and body, empowering us to experience freedom and to enjoy life, while remaining aware of its true purpose.

Source:  Excerpt from “Sun, Moon & Earth”


1. Some medical research suggests that excessive levels of n−6 fatty acids, relative to n−3 fatty acids, may increase the probability of a number of diseases and depression. Chronic excessive production of n−6 is associated with heart attacks, thrombotic stroke, arrhythmia, arthritis, osteoporosis, inflammation, mood disorders, and cancer.

Website: Dancing Shiva

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10895903890?profile=originalEditor's Note: Given the rampant fear since the nuclear incident in Japan we though it important to provide access to a source of detoxified iodine for thyroid health and to alleviate any fear of radiation entering the body.


PRODUCT: Detoxified Iodine is your source for detoxified iodine. Our iodine is reduced to a 1% concentration in 100% ethyl alcohol and electro-magnetically transmuted (while being suspended in a wet bath containing a mild acid solution) into the Atomic state. From there it is bottled in 1/2 oz. (amber) dropper bottles and unless otherwise indicated, labeled and sealed with a full bottle heat shrink.



Detoxified Iodine 1/2 oz: 4-6 week supply
Take 1 drop in 3 to 6 oz water or topically for the first day, increasing 1 drop each day for 5 days. Give yourself 2 days off and then repeat for five days. Follow this routine for three weeks. Then you can take 5 drops daily and work your way up slowly as long as there is no discomfort. Most people stabilize at 8 to 10 drops daily; some may need up to 12 to 15 drops. Once you have raised your levels, it may be okay to cut back a bit and it's okay to skip a day once in a while.



8 am to 12 noon on an empty stomach 30 minutes before or 1 hour after meals, medications and/or supplements. Taking it after 4 PM could raise your energy levels and leave you not being able to sleep at night.



1% Iodine Crystals in Ethyl Alcohol
(200 micrograms iodine per drop)



You can order a 1/2 oz bottle today for $25 (postpaid) at:

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Living Free

10895903470?profile=originalBy Happy Oasis

"Freedom is our greatest joy", declared an oriental sage of antiquity. This perennial, yet debatable adage, persists today perhaps partly because freedom and joy are, by definition, inextricably woven, possibly more so than you may imagine.

The first several definitions of freedom start with the idea of enjoying as in "enjoying personal rights", "enjoying absence of confinement" and "enjoying political liberty". Therefore, having rights and liberties does not constitute freedom. Enjoying them does.

According to definitions, the full experience of freedom requires a very personal choice to enjoy, to live with a quality of awareness that may also evoke responses from outrage to action, from sorrow to singing, from silent contemplation to celebration.

A well-known liberty granted to Americans was the “pursuit of happiness”. Contrary to popular assumptions, pursue did not imply “to hunt or to chase down”. Pursue meant "to follow and to practice" as in to follow the ways of happiness so as to practice happiness. The pursuit or practice of happiness and the practice of freedom are inextricably fused.

How can we each uniquely embrace the multi-faceted practices of freedom and happiness in the eclectic array of our lives?

Answering these stirring questions may offer added insight.

In this moment, will I be a victim of circumstance or a master?

Do I (really) have to do anything or do I consciously choose to do whatever I do? Do I elect to be more often an excuse for defeat or an exemplary of inspiration? Do I define life as a medley of endless obstacles or as a parade of ceaseless opportunities?

"Either everything is a miracle or nothing is a miracle," Albert Einstein concurred.

How do you define freedom, and what are your most succulent strategies to “Living Free in an Unfree World”?  When identifying the facets of freedom, many of us start with thoughts of free time, creative freedom and financial freedom followed by political freedom.

That's a fine start. However, what about freedom to choose our community, including the virtues and values of our community; freedom to express love, fun, joy and kindness; intercultural, artistic, entrepreneurial and multi-linguistic freedoms; freedom to choose our j.o.b. (joy of being), home, health and habits; freedom to choose our most cherished geography; the choice to choose our country, including our preferred climates, seasons and ecosystems, and most of all, perceptions.

About Happy Oasis

As an Adventure Anthropologist, Environmentalist and Blissologist, for me, the ongoing study of the freedom and joy together as a whole is essential.

Political freedom is something many Americans have assumed as an inalienable right. While living abroad for more than a decade in an eclectic array of locations, it soon became evident that the majority of people on the planet are restricted in their fullest expressions of freedom—of creativity and lifestyle—id est, the pursuit (= practice) of happiness due to some form of governing interference from the top down and simultaneously from the mores of the masses, yet ultimately due to individual choices.

About Johnny Liberty

In 1992, one of the pioneers of the Sovereignty movement, Johnny Liberty starting teaching to what would be tens of thousands of American professionals on the subjects of constitutional law, the history of power structures, and how to reclaim one’s sovereignty. Johnny Liberty is the author of the renowned classic "Global Sovereign's Handbook", and is currently updating his 25th anniversary edition of this monumental 800-page tome.

THRIVE filmmaker Foster Gamble wrote, "Johnny Liberty is one of my heroes—a true modern day pioneer for freedom and justice for all. His courage inspires me and his research informs me ongoingly in my quest toward a free and thriving world."

Living an exquisitely free lifestyle in their eco-creational vehicle, Johnny Liberty and Happy Oasis are dynamic orators, visionaries, comprehensivists, poets, songwriters and researchers. Authors Happy Oasis and Johnny Liberty will offer a powerful presentation to enhance personal freedom and inspire individual sovereignty in these intriguing times.

Participants will discover succulent strategies to claiming your sovereignty, as well as:

  • Fascinating facets of freedom
  • The ecstasy of ethics
  • A vision for a New America
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10895905301?profile=originalBy Allison Jacob

We sat down with don Miguel Ruiz Jr., author of the new book The Five Levels of Attachment, Toltec Wisdom for the Modern World, and the eldest son of the legendary don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, for a discussion about the book and what it was like growing up in the Ruiz household.

Q: You grew up in Toltec royalty, so to speak, as most of your family, including your grandmother, are all deeply connected to the Toltec tradition. Your father, don Miguel Ruiz, wrote the best-selling book The Four Agreements and co-authored The Fifth Agreement with your brother, don Jose Ruiz. What was it like to grow up in the Ruiz family? Was there ever a time you can remember when your family wasn’t at the center of the Toltec tradition?

A: I grew up in a very interesting family. My grandma was a curandera, a faith healer, and my father is a former neurosurgeon. But I do remember a time growing up when my father was not “don Miguel Ruiz,” the famous author and Toltec teacher, he was simply Dr. Miguel Ruiz. I saw his transition, because I was alive during that transition, when he began to study the Toltec teachings, and when he began to enter this whole new way of life. So I know what a huge separation there was between the two Miguels. Of course, I say “two Miguels,” there was really only just one—but I saw the personal transformation take place.

Q: And you apprenticed with your father and grandmother for many years, correct? What was that like?

A: Here’s the way my father teaches. For example, when I was a young boy I asked him to teach me how to swim, and so he grabbed me and threw me into the pool! I had to find my way out by swimming, and I swam. But initially, I remember just splashing and yelling, “Dad, help me! help me! I can’t swim!” And he would reply, “Miguel, you’re swimming!” “But Dad!” I yelled back. And he said again, “Miguel, look around you, your head is above water!” And I looked around and thought to myself, “Hey, I am swimming.” All my confidence grew up and there I was. Of course, I was doggy paddling all over the pool, but I was swimming.

He taught me the same way with lecturing. One day, he said on stage, “I want my son to come up here.” I thought he was just going to present me and I was going to wave, and he says, “Ladies and Gentlemen, my son.” And he walks away, and I’m there with a microphone. I had to either open my mouth or walk away. Well, I opened my mouth, and I haven’t been able to shut it up since!

Q: Please tell me about your new book, The Five Levels of Attachment.

A: Many spiritual books explain the importance of not being attached to material possessions. While that is certainly true, this book takes a different approach. In The Five Levels of Attachment, I invite readers to gauge how attached they are to their beliefs, their ideas, and their knowledge. Because in my experience, it’s what we believe about ourselves, our loved ones, and the Dream of the Planet that creates our reality. And so many of us accept the beliefs given to us by our society without ever questioning which ones, if any, are true for us. It’s only after we gain awareness of these beliefs that we can begin to release the ones that no longer reflect who we really are. Then we are free.

Q: The book starts with a question: “Is knowledge controlling you, or are you controlling knowledge?” Is that what you mean by questioning your beliefs?

A: Yes, exactly. My grandmother asked me that question when I was just fourteen years old, and reflecting on it changed the direction of my life. You see, when our attachment to a belief increases, the question of “who we are” becomes directly linked to “what we know.” For instance, at the highest level of attachment, what I call Fanaticism, every decision we make is controlled by our knowledge, and we have lost the power of choice. But with Awareness, we can arrive at a place where we are no longer controlled by our knowledge. Only then we are free to be our Authentic Selves and form new agreements that serve our highest good.

For many of us, our attachment to beliefs—our own and the beliefs of others—manifests as a mask we don’t realize we can take off. This mask prevents us from interacting with others and the world in a healthy way, and forces us to make decisions based not on what we really want, but on what our beliefs dictate. As we release these attachments, our reality changes, since we are no longer chained by our beliefs. We are then free to create the lives we truly want by making new agreements that align with our Authentic Selves.

Q: Thanks to you and your family for sharing this wisdom with the world.

A: It is my pleasure. Remember, the point of all this work is to be happy, to enjoy life, and to enjoy our relationships with those we love the most, including ourselves.

Building on the principles found in his father’s book, The Four Agreements, don Miguel Ruiz Jr. shows us how our attachments to beliefs, ideas, and knowledge, if left unchecked, can guide and control our lives. In The Five Levels of Attachment, he shows us how to identify our level of attachment to any beliefs we are holding. For it is only when we become aware of our attachments that we are then able to let them go and create new agreements that serve our highest good.

An excerpt from the book:

“The challenge I have for you is to change your agreement, to see yourself as a perfect human being, and to realize that there is no object, idea, or knowledge that you need to be complete. You are perfect because you are alive in this present moment, transforming continuously with life. “

                  —don Miguel Ruiz Jr., The Five Levels of Attachment, Toltec Wisdom for the Modern World


Please visit or for more information.

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By Wendy Rains, Editor

10895906085?profile=originalCreating was a natural seque from having published my magazine, Building In Baja. It attracted so many people from around the world who contacted me over the years for my design and project management services. It seemed a great way to address the same concerns everybody seemed to have, and a way for me to help lots more people by sharing what I’ve learned. Subscribe to Baja Tips to keep receiving more of my personal tips and advice for living the Baja good life!

“Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear.” ~ Anthony Robbins

Think about it…when we are driving, we know where we want to go and map out our route. We use recipes to prepare meals, and open up the oven to check what we’re making or stand over the pot as things get cooking. These are some of the ways we strive to ensure our efforts come out right. Building or remodeling a home requires that same level of personal attention.

10895906277?profile=originalArchitects and designers are there to help us visualize, create, and draw up our plans. Engineers are there to make sure what we want to build is not only possible, but structured properly. Contractors actualize the drawings and make it all real, and inspectors are there to make sure things are done to code. But what about you? Where are you in all this? Besides paying for it all, are you comfortable taking on any of those above roles yourself, or overseeing the whole shebang? Doubtful. No matter how competent the people around you are, you probably still feel  bit of “not being in control”.

Lots of people understandably have trust issues regarding building in a foreign country, especially when you hear or read about all the horror stories from folks who have had bad experiences. It’s easy to feel nervous about all of it and therefore hesitant about taking the plunge. That’s why Building In Baja exists….to help mitigate those fears.

You have visited this website and are reading this most likely because you are someone I just described. Our goals are to help you achieve yours, with confidence and knowledge. I’m not sure it’s possible to “teach trust”, really, but I do know how empowering it can be to be armed with authoritative information and hardcore facts from experienced experts. It is what we are all about. Our content is focused on all the essential, up to date information that matters to you if you are contemplating or already have started to build a home and new life here. Learning about potential obstacles, others’ mistakes, and viable solutions are all parts of your blueprint for success.

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The Mayan Calendar | Devotional Tantra

10895905863?profile=originalBy Rundy, Devotional Tantra

Today is the Aquarius New Moon, the Chinese New Year: The Year of the Dragon, and in numerology an 11 day 1 + 23 (5) + 2012 (5) = 11. The new moon represents new beginnings, what begins anew in your life today? And 11 is the number (vibration) of mastery, together these energies present lots of heavenly possibilities.

At the end of this email are the updates for classes, radio-show, etc.

But first I want to delve into the topic of the Mayan Calendar for this is an area of in depth study for me. As we begin to head full force into 2012 the December 21, 2012 date of the Mayan Calendar looms in the backs of many peoples minds -- many people are curious as to what to expect. Fortunately there are many scholarly books written on the subject, the Argüelles and the Calleman books in particular, are quite interesting and inspiring to read. There are some astrological and numerological insights as well, which give us a pretty clear indication as to what to expect.

Because the Mayan Prophecies are based on the astrological orbit of Venus we can assume that the 2012 planetary alignment will be like other similar planetary alignments, which means, usually on the date they actually do occur no one notices much of anything. Yet, later, we see that many things did in all actuality shift.

Does anyone recall the much ballyhooed Harmonic Convergence of 1987? It was not as well known as the Mayan Calendar, but it was quite significant at the time nevertheless, and looking back we can recognize its influence, and also that it served as an energetic cleansing that prepared us for where we are now as a civilization.

Using the system of numerology look at the date of the Mayan Prophecy and what do you see? 12 – 21 – 2012. Every number is either a one or a two. Ones represent the visionary. Twos represent collaboration. In numerology the numbers are always added and then reduced so 12 becomes 1 + 2 = 3. Three is the number of communication. 2 + 1 = 3 is repeated. Then we come to 2012. 2 + 1 + 2 = 5. Five is the number of freedom and the progressive. Together we get 12 (3) + 21 (3) + 2012 (5) = 11. Ahhh, now there is the ticket, for 11 is the number (or vibration) of mastery. The sum total of the numerological numbers on that date indicates vision, collaboration, communication, progress, and mastery. In a nutshell the numbers on that day tell us that we are entering into a new age when the expression of progressive global communication will be redefined and by some, mastered.

But wait, you might be asking, global communication has already happened with computers right? Yes, on both a superficial and a technical level, but humanity is being called to communicate in an entirely new way – a way founded in compassion, empathy, and understanding. Until now almost all global communication has been male oriented with an emphasis on speed and efficiency. It has been primarily cerebrally focused and devoid of heart. While tolerance and acceptance of that which is different are positive steps in today’s world they are not the same as genuine respect, interest, and curiosity in that which is different. We are being called to slow way down and to care about each other, to inquire and learn about each other, and to show this in the way we communicate. How do I know this? That is where Venus and Neptune come in.

As mentioned previously the Mayan Calendar is based on the orbit of the planet Venus. Additionally, right around the Mayan December date the sign of Neptune enters its original sign of Pieces for the first time since its discovery. Venus is the lower octave of love, Neptune the higher. Make no mistake here; The Mayan Prophecies represent a huge purification and shift in global consciousness and the foundation for this new and elevated consciousness is unmistakably love.

The planet Venus represents the expression of love, romance, affection, beauty, pleasure, happiness, luxury, manners and social graces. Neptune is the planet of mysticism, cosmic transmissions, spirituality, idealism, mystery, intuition, dreams, singing, surrealism, archetypes, fantasy and imagination. Together, these planets will serve to redefine mankind’s concept of beauty, serve to open humanities collective heart, and place an emphasis on all things feminine such as intuition, receptivity, mutuality, adaptability, compassion, kindness, service, connection with the earth, and reconnection to humanity at large. Naturally this energy will affect all consciousness on this planet, but those who are humble and pure of heart will hold the keys to the kingdom and have access to never seen before psychic, cosmic, spiritually, and creative abilities and gifts – the Light of God will literally shine through them.

Edgar Cayce and many other great mystics’ have prophesied about a time in the not too distant future when man would be ready to finally step into his true divine destiny; Cayce spoke of strategically placed crystals and other healing modalities that were hidden around the earth and once discovered would be great tools for healing and peace. These tools, he predicted, would elevate mankind if and when mankind was ready to work with such powerful energies. Is that time here? Sadly I don’t think so; as long as we live in an apathetic, material-obsessed world filled with hate, prejudice, corruption, and self absorption the answer is an unequivocal no.

“So there’s a lotta sense in living when the world we know starts giving, we can spread our wings some sunny day and fly away. But ‘til we all fly together what sense does it make?” - Seals & Crofts

But just as the Harmonic Convergence prepared some numbers of light-workers, the Mayan Prophecies will prepare even more, and soon the numbers of those serving the light will be great enough to create the necessary shifts to save our planet and each other and reclaim heaven on earth.

For true spiritual seekers – those who truly love and serve God --the Mayan Calendar transmission is going to be an awesome time. It is going to be a time when there are no limits to human/divine expression, a time to experience unlimited divine gifts while still living in an earth-bound body. Many people are already working with these incoming frequencies through spiritual practices like daily meditation.

But for much of humanity, those living a low chakra existence, nothing much will change. The world around them will just seem to spin faster and faster until the energies become too much – too intense and they will either continue to numb themselves or choose to leave their bodies and return home to God.

Have you noticed how many people have been dying the past 2-3 years? It is astounding. But mourn not the dead, for they are at peace and merely retuning “home” to God; mourn the living, those who are paralyzed with fear who are sleepwalking through life. Many souls are retuning “home” to regroup and reincarnate again right away in this new and glorious global consciousness, and still others will want to leave earth and work as light-workers on the other side.

Just remember, no matter how bad things may appear with wars, poverty, social, economic, and environmental issues, all this was expected; as polarity and duality are natural laws of the universe. We cannot expect great light without first experiencing great dark.

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” - Leonard Cohen

So start preparing now! Practice love, kindness, generosity, and selflessness, let these qualities define who you are. Help anyone you possibly can in any way you can; become a smile millionaire. Focus on Neptunian pursuits such as yoga, meditation, prayer, dream-work, creative pursuits, nature rituals, moon rituals, bathing rituals, and learning to be still and quiet. Reach out to your Angels and guides. Read books about astral-projection, crystals, dowsing, psychic healing, intuition, channeling, clairvoyance, horse-whispering, astrology, numerology, and kundalini. Get out in nature, go to bed early. Go for walks and stretch to strengthen and purify your body and prepare for the divine energies at hand. And most important of all, commune daily with God, for that is the Source of all this magic. No matter how fast the world may spin we are safe, for God is holding us all. The Mayan Calendar promises to awaken divine gifts in those who truly aspire to serve. You can do or be anything you want; the only limits to the human potential are those that exist in our own mind. Do you want to serve self or a higher purpose? The choice is yours. God is waiting for you - God is waiting for us all.

The on-line Radio show “tantra-talk” is a show focused entirely on answering listener’s questions about the topics of sacred sexuality and sexual healing and will be on the air any day now. In the blog section the Men’s health blog has been updated and there is a new blog in the Metaphysics section. It is an astrological profile comparing the lives of Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson. New classes are on the way, and I am available for private seasons. See the Services tab on the website.

That’s my two cents worth, thank you for reading.

My wish for you all is that you will continue to develop your minds, question everything, impact change, and most important of all, keep your hearts open and pure, and your face always to God.

With Love,
January 23, 2012

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By John Light, Founder

10895905086?profile=originalBAJA: After incredibly adventurous years of traveling we are wintering in Baja California Sur, Mexico, currently in a lovely pueblo of conscious culture, Todos Santos, B.C.S. Each morning at sunrise we awaken to the crashing sounds of ocean waves upon the golden sandy beaches of the Pacific ocean.

HEALTH: We walk, run, do yoga on the beach for exercise, eat fresh organic greens and tropical fruit grown in the palm oasis of southern Baja, and enjoy siestas during the heat of the day. We are slowly learning more Spanish everyday. Immersion in a culture is by far the best teacher.

DRIVING: Slowly meandering south through Mexico and pausing for reflection in our humble, cozy, eco-RV along the way, we are exploring friendly pueblos and balmy, beatific beaches of the Sea of Cortez and Pacific Ocean, alas arriving in Todos Santos on Christmas Day in our own version of paradise.

INVITATION: Wish you were here with us to celebrate the beauty of living together in a tropical paradise, with time to refresh and renew our spirits for living freely and simply.

OFF-THE-GRID: We’ve observed many miracles and synchronicities over the last two years of perpetual adventure in our “creational vehicle”, our off-the-grid, solar-powered home on wheels, while discovering vibrant, culturally-rich, freedom-loving communities along the way (such as our beloved Sedona, Ashland, Grass Valley & Nevada City, Durango, Telluride, Aspen, Boulder, Sandpoint, Ft. Lauderdale, Ann Arbor, Hawaiian Island, and now Todos Santos & San Jose del Cabo) establishing new Source Centers and producing dynamic, full-house events before moving on.

LIFESTYLE: Incredible quality of life enjoying a "free-wheeling lifestyle" can still be lived if we are willing to reexamine basic needs, make minor adjustments, change to what works, live simply, and be self-reliant and sovereign minded.

INDEPENDENCE: Earning an income in a right livelihood for yourself is a great option. By operating an internet-based business we can do anywhere, indeed we can still “live free in an unfree world.”

HAPPY NEW YOU! We’re looking forward to providing you occasional reports of Insights from the Road throughout 2014 so we can bring you with us on our peculiar grand adventure through time. Your comments, friendship, feedback and suggestions are most welcome!

- John Light, Founder

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EarthImage.png?width=288By Happy Oasis, Raw Spirit Community News

Happy: What an unusual name, Hasher pronounced (Ah-sure) Eyanu?
Ashay :
My name is rooted in a Hebrew prayer of giving thanks when one comes upon an unexpected special blessing.
Beautiful. What inspired you to create your first New Earth Festival coming up Sept 14 - 16th?
The intention is to plant a seed in the fabric of reality.
Which seed?
The seed of consciously-cooperative culture. Many of us live a compulsively competitive lifestyle, engrained to compete and be highly individualistic. The New Earth Festival is an example of how we can live every day consciously cooperating and collaborating.
So refreshing. This reminds me of the inspiration behind the Raw Spirit Festival as it leapt into being. Ashay, you are a promising (young) man of many talents - a raw chocolatier, a gardener of this juicy organic watermelon that I'm about to enjoy with friends among other fruits and organic vegetable people grown on your one-acre farm. I see that you also make reputedly wicked home brews, mostly herbs with minimal hops or alcohol, among many other creative offerings.
I am also a cranial sacral practitioner practicing in a private membership health group that inspired me to make the festival owned by private community members. Another project I recently created is this weekly CommunityShare market, where everyone who participates pays $1 to become a member every Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm here at the Stone House, in Nevada City, CA. In these days of ever greater restrictions, this kind of organization allows us more regulatory freedom with buying and selling produce, other goods and services. Happy, I'm looking forward to your "PlayShop For Blissologists" at The New Earth Fest!

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At the sold-out Sacramento Bliss Conscious Communication Playshop recently, a budding Blissologist told our group that beggars really bother her, said she cannot relate to them, and asked, "What can we do about this"?

Few will deny that beggars are abounding. In fact, beggary may be the fastest growing profession in the USA today. How can beggars positively contribute to the emerging ecstatic economy? Read on to discover how.

Having abided in third world countries for nearly a decade, I grew accustomed to the omnipresence of beggars. In India, I observed myriad anomalies, yet generally three kinds of beggars, namely 1. spiritual sadhus, 2. deformed performers, and 3. those who are down and out temporarily or permanently such as single mothers with young children, the mentally ill, and the elderly.

Important Observation: within two generations the majority of this new, rising phenomenon of widespread American beggars have the option to ascend into the first type of mystic beggars who bless, amuse and offer inspiration to passerby's or to descend into the abysmal practice of cutting off limbs of their children or otherwise graphically mutilating their family members, including themselves, for the purpose of evoking monetary pittances from unsuspecting, compassionate passerbyers.

"I am A Beggar Too" song by Happy Oasis (mp3)

I have seen this first hand in many third world nations. Now that you know this great potential for tragedy or sagacity, it is ALL OF OUR response-abiilty to inspire and train the up-and-coming growing class of beggars. This includes YOU by response-ably educating beggars or begging response-ably yourself wherever you go in every conversation in which beggars come up. Instead of apathetically, fearfully, disgustedly or annoyingly passing by a beggar, it is our joyous duty to inspire beggars to inspire others.

For example, I told a young, strong-looking 20-something years young beggar that if he could say something inspiring ~  anything at all ~ I would give him a dollar.He said he could not think of anything positive to say. I told him I would come back with the dollar the next day. Upon seeing him in the morning, he beamed. "Good Morning, Happy! Isn't it a beautiful day?"  A dollar was dropped in his bowl. He beamed.

We all know professional women (and men) who would donate an offering to a beggar to compliment and/or inspire them as they enter their office building in the morning. How many people could benefit from hearing a compliment when walking down the sidewalk? Why stop at compliments? What about jokes? Poems? Prayers? Blessings? Philosophical Inspirations?

Moreover, the most stirring lines of classical and spiritual literature can be joyfully shouted out to someone walking by.

With persistent uplifting encouragement and suggestions from everyone of us,
America's beggars can be esteemed, valuable members of society as some of the greatest poets, mystics, comedians, friends and sages of this century, just as many beggars are in India today, a spiritual tradition that has endured there for millenia.

Think of the influence beggars could make by uttering a profound phrase from Thoreau or Hafiz or Swami Beyondananda before someone enters a courthouse. The simple act of instilling a slice of wisdom or joy into a judge, lawyer, prosecutor or defendant entering the court house could make an impact in legal decisions and consequently, lives.

Revealing it is that the root of the verb "beg" orginated from the Latin "bede" and means "to pray". The word bead also comes from "bede". What is the correlation of begging, praying and beads? They were considere the same activity. Today in India, millennium or two later, beggars are still the ones who pray for everyone in their midst while wearing and rubbing beads while begging. Today is an opportune day for us to re-ignite the tradition of such holy men and women in America.

Beggars are often the ones with the most time on their hands with their ears to the ground. Why not train them to lovingly let the rest of us know what's happening in the world? "Be sure to wear your coat tomorrow, Sir. The forecast is snow."

Have you considered giving a literate book-loving beggar one of your favorite books to read aloud to you or others next time you walk by? Most beggars are in need of friends, family and income-earning ideas. We can let them know that by reciting inspirational or humorous lines that their pay will likely increase. In addition, they will benefit the world, make new friends, inspire old 'customers', elicit smiles, catalyze conversations and giggles, and meanwhile feel happier about themselves as valuable contributors to society.

We need not beg to be able to bless and bliss everyone we meet. Sharing little kindnesses is the basis of the emerging ecstatic economy. How we speak to each other will soon become more important than almost any other aspect of living.

Why are the poor of Africa and Asia considered to be among the happiest people on the planet? Because, despite circumstances, they cannot afford anything but to live in a continuous state of joyful, love, humor and kindness. I have lived among the "poorest" and the happiest. They treat each other as if they are in the presence of royalty, because they are. We are. Every one of us.

Realizing all this, Blissology University, Bliss U is in its founding state. One branch of it will soon offer a free course regarding "How To Be A Beautiful Beggar", including, most importantly, how the rest of us inspire beggars.

What does beggary have to do with the Raw Spirit Community News? This is the Community News after all. At our most recent Bliss Shop, a dynamic conversation broke out about beggars. Some said they never give to beggars. Some said they always give, which is wonderful, if it is possible.

I pointed out that in India before approaching a prominent temple, there can be a line of 1000 beggars. One could spend all day every day just giving to beggars, and then join them (!), due to consequently being completely penniless oneself. The massive numbers of beggars in India teaches us to be intuitive. Who really really needs these rupees the most? Not from egoic judgement, and outside appearances, but coming from an deep place of spiritual insight. This inspires us to spontaneously connect with source.

In this way, the presence of beggars can teach us to be present, to go within, to get in touch with our mystical wisdom so that we can respond originally in each moment rather than reacting or following a prescribed system of "always giving to beggars" or "never giving" or "once a week" or "only organic gmo-free apples or avocados with leaves of kale".  Any habit is a kind of opt out for having to think afresh.

With beggars, being conscious or unconscious can make a huge difference in someone's life. It is also important to refrain from always giving a habitual amount. "I always give a dollar" or "my spare change" or "organic gmo-free kale leaves and an avocado". There could be one beggar among many in extra real need. A quarter does not buy anything these days, and one is hard pressed to eat much with a dollar. It is not an equal world; however, regardless of appearances, we can be open to co-creating moments of mysterious, kindness, compassion, connection, beauty and joy. The subject of beggars, if handled well, can serve to uplift our spirits and inspire smiles upon the faces of America. This way we can all be "smile millionaires", bliss billionaires, and life-style godzillionaires.

Let us bliss forth and inspire our brother and sister beggars with blissful begging tips and healthy organic gmo-free offerings, not only today, but for the rest of our lives.

Source: Raw Spirit Community News

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Dear Friends, It doesn't concern me in the least whether or not you come over "on my side" concerning the issue of chemtrails. If you wish to remain ignorant, blind, unobservant, and uninformed, that is your prerogative. Your willful blinding to the fact that large scale aerosol operations by huge tanker aircraft (and other, non-conventional flying platforms) of toxic substances are taken place daily right over your head will not prevent you from breathing in that toxic fallout, nor will it prevent the contamination of the crops, ground water, or surface water that will eventually find its way into your body. An ostrich who puts his head into the sand is merely engaging in psychological denial; he is not protecting himself or removing himself from danger. At least the bird has an excuse. It's a less evolved form of life with a brain about the size of a plum, but what excuse does a human being have who possesses a much larger brain and has the capacity to calculate and think in the abstract? I don't have to re-address the stupid assertion made by stupid skeptics that there is a similarity between present-day chemtrails and the exhaust smoke seen in the skies of World War II because I've already addressed that moronic assertion in previously written replies to other skeptical knot heads who came before you. Had these chemtrail aerosol operations begun in 2008, instead of 1998, I would likely be more patient in trying to win you over to "my side" (meaning the exertion of time and energy in an attempt to pull along dummies who are blithely sitting on the tracks while the Amtrak Midnight Express is bearing down), but the days of patient debate with the Slow Witted about the reality of chemtrails are long behind us. There must be a few thousand web sites today that discuss chemtrails. Dr. Len Horowitz came out with his book on chemtrails, Death in the Air easily 5 years ago. Cbswork produced his 30 minute video about chemtrails and the chembuster, Clouds of Death, around 2002. William Thomas has produced numerous video documentaries about chemtrails since 1998. Chris Carnicom came out with his lengthy video expose of chemtrails called Aerosol Crimes at least 2.5 years ago. You can see the entire documentary posted on Youtube. Here's a good place to start. This is part 7 of 9 parts from Aerosol Crimes posted at Part 8 These segments include an explanation from a Naturopathic doctor named Gwen Scott about how to antidote against chemtrail particulate fallout. She offers good tips, for example, on how to remove the barium and aluminum metal that are being sprayed with chemtrails. She also mentions that the incident of children asthma attacks in her home state, New Mexico, had risen from 4% just 5 years ago, to 70% at the time of the documentary filming. That gives you an inkling into just how damaging chemtrails are. Here are all 9 parts of Aerosol Crimes: Aerosol Crimes Part 1 of 9 Part 2 of 9 Part 3 of 9 Part 4 of 9 Part 5 of 9 Part 6 of 9 Part 7 of 9 Part 8 of 9 Part 9 of 9 Clouds of Death (3 parts) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Chemtrails, Good Bye Blue Sky Chemtrails viewed through an infrared filter, London, Dec. 2007 (9 minute video, interesting & revealing) Montage of chemtrail photos and sprayer planes How much in-your-face data, articles, photos, videos, books, web sites, and radio talk shows will it take to get you to wake up? How can anybody be so utterly clueless about chemtrails in 2008 when they've been spraying around the clock, 24/7 for TEN SOLID YEARS? -- Ken Adachi Source: Resources: Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare by Dr. Leonard Horowitz
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Why God Made Moms by Anonymous

10895904885?profile=originalWHY GOD MADE MOMS
Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions: 

Why did God make mothers?

1.  She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.
2.  Mostly to clean the house.
3.  To help us out of there when we were getting born.

How did God make mothers?

1.  He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
2.  Magic, plus super powers and a lot of stirring.
3.  God made my mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts.

What ingredients are mothers made of?

1.  God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the
world and one dab of mean.
2.  They had to get their start from men's bones.  Then they mostly use string, I think.

10895904687?profile=originalWhy did God give you your mother and not some other mom?

1.  We're related.
2.  God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's moms like me.

What kind of a little girl was your mom?

1.  My mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff.
2.  I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.
3.  They say she used to be nice.

What did mom need to know about dad before she married him?
1.  His last name.
2.  She had to know his background.  Like is he a crook?  Does he get drunk on beer?
3.  Does he make at least $800 a year?  Did he say NO to drugs and YES to chores?
Why did your mom marry your dad?

1.  My dad makes the best spaghetti in the world.  And my mom eats a lot.
2.  She got too old to do anything else with him.
3.  My grandma says that mom didn't have her thinking cap on.

10895905085?profile=originalWho's the boss at your house?
1.  Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dad's such a goof ball.
2.  Mom.  You can tell by room inspection.  She sees the stuff under the bed.
3.  I guess mom is, but only because she has a lot more to do than dad.

What's the difference between moms and dads?

1.  Moms work at work and work at home and dads just go to work at work.
2.  Moms know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.
3.  Dads are taller and stronger, but moms have all the real power 'cause 

     that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your friends.
4.  Moms have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.

What does your mom do in her spare time?

1.  Mothers don't do spare time.
2.  To hear her tell it, she pays bills all day long.

What would it take to make your mom perfect?
1.  On the inside she's already perfect.  Outside, I think some kind of plastic surgery.
2.  Diet.  You know, her hair.  I'd diet, maybe blue.

10895905454?profile=originalIf you could change one thing about your mom, what would it be?
1.  She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean.  I'd get rid of that.
2.  I'd make my mom smarter.  Then she would know it was my sister who did it not me.
3.  I would like for her to get rid of those invisible eyes on the back of her head.
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