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Stop Monsanto Protection Act

stopMonsantoProtectionAct1.jpgThis week the House of Representatives will consider a provision to House Agricultural Appropriations Bill that will fundamentally undermine the concept of judicial review. Hidden under the guise of a “Farmer Assurance Provision” (Section 733), the provision strips the rights of federal courts to halt the sale and planting of genetically engineered crops during the legal appeals process.

In the past, legal advocates have successfully won in court the right to halt the sale and planting of unapproved GMO crops while the approval of those crops is under review by a federal judge. This dangerous new House provision, which we're calling the Monsanto Protection Act, would strip judges of their constitutional mandate to protect consumer rights and the environment, while opening up a floodgate of planting of new untested genetically engineered crops, endangering farmers, consumers and the environment.

Once again, Monsanto and the biotech industry are working behind closed doors to undermine your basic rights. This time they’ve gone too far! Join us in putting a stop to the Monsanto Protection Act!

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By definition, "The War on Drugs" is a campaign to put an end to a substance considered injurious used in the treatment of a disease, or a substance recognized by the U.S. Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, or a chemical or dye, or (my favorite definition) a chemical substance that affects the central nervous system causing changes in behavior and often addiction.

Wow! This to me sounds like the war on drugs should include most of our western medicines, food, soaps, make-up, skin products, colored drinks and snacks, every alcoholic drink and tobacco.  But, alas, none of these are included. Instead, the Drug Enforcement Administration has limited its attacks to homemade, homegrown, or imported 'street' drugs.

This war on crack and meth is all good because everyone knows the world could use[...] to read more click here

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By Rick Cantrell, PhD, MD, PsyD

The below is absolutely 100% true and as a doctor I have been telling people this for 15 years now. No one wants to listen. Folks need to wake up. Cancer treatment is about making money. It is a 120 billion dollar a year industry in the United States alone and estimated to be a 600 billion dollar a year industry worldwide.

A successful cancer case according to the American Cancer Society and the American College of Oncology and Hematology means that the person survives for 5 years. Both the American Cancer Society and the American College of Oncology and Hematology admit that a person is likely to survive cancer for 7 to 10 years even if they do absolutely NOTHING. Of course, only the doctors get those magazines - not you, the cancer patient.

Alternative medicine's track record of curing cancer is 10 times higher than that of conventional medicine. Note that I say CURE.

Remember another thing. A TUMOR is just a symptom. It is not the cause of cancer.

Science is cause and effect. Remove the cause and the effect disappears.

I am in my third battle with cancer right now. I have not done any chemotherapy or radiation or surgery for any of my bouts with cancer. I survived leukemia, I survived Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and now I have Glioblastoma which is supposedly an incurable form of brain cancer. I was given two months to live 5 months ago.

I have been using Chinese herbs, high doses of vitamin C, acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy and nutritional changes. Yes, at first it got worse. It had metastasized to my lymph nodes, my lungs and my bones. As of this week, I am happy to say that there is no evidence now of any cancer in my lymph system or my bones. I had 6 tumors in my lungs, now there are only two. The tumors in my brain have shrunken tremendously. I never did any of their chemo, radiation or surgery.

Here is a very interesting statistic that you can only have access to by being a doctor. Every year more than 1,000 doctors oncologists (cancer doctors) are diagnosed with cancer. Less than 10% of them choose to do the treatment that they have been giving to their patients. Sort of like the fact that less than 25% of all pediatricians vaccinate their own children because of the fact that the risk of sudden death or serious side effects from the vaccination is higher than the risk of catching the disease one is being vaccinated for. This is not bullshit people - it is truth.

Medicine is about money, not about your health and the system traps people, especially the elderly, disabled and poor into a deadly treatment regime that puts them in an early grave. Meanwhile, all the jet set billionaires are flying off to Europe and paying big bucks for alternative treatments and getting cured.

Does alternative medicine work all the time? No. Of course not. Nothing works all the time. But there is a reason for that. You don't die until it's your time to die. Nothing can make you live longer than that time.

However quality of life comes into play. Those cancer patients who use alternative therapies for their cancer, yet still die from the illness, suffer a much higher quality of life. They die able to spend time with their families and even recognize their family members. They don't become emaciated like those who do chemotherapy or radiation do and rarely is a person who goes under the treatment of chemotherapy able to recognize anyone for the last few days of their lives. Their bodies become ravaged to the point that you can't even recognize them either. They suffer at a much much higher rate and they have one let down after another as doctors tell them, ahhh - it's looking good, only to tell them on the next visit it's looking worse, you need more chemo and radiation.

What is criminal about this is that YOUR DOCTORS KNOW THIS SHIT.

I took an oath as a physician. I have always followed it. That has certainly not made me successful financially as a doctor because I have consistently refused to go along with conventional medicine's bullshit.

- Rick Cantrell, PhD, MD, PsyD

Cancer Update from Rick Cantrell:

  1. \Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.
  2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime.
  3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.
  4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, but also to environmental, food and lifestyle factors.
  5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet to eat more adequately and healthy, 4-5 times/day and by including supplements will strengthen the immune system.
  6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.
  7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.
  8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.
  9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.
  10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.
  11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply. CANCER CELLS FEED ON:
    > Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses , but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in color Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.
    > Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk cancer cells are being starved.
    > Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little other meat, like chicken. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.
    > A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C)..
    > Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.
  12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines becomes putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup.
  13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.
  14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the bodies own killer cells to destroy cancer cells.. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.
  15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.
  16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help  to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.
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The Mayan Calendar | Devotional Tantra

10895905863?profile=originalBy Rundy, Devotional Tantra

Today is the Aquarius New Moon, the Chinese New Year: The Year of the Dragon, and in numerology an 11 day 1 + 23 (5) + 2012 (5) = 11. The new moon represents new beginnings, what begins anew in your life today? And 11 is the number (vibration) of mastery, together these energies present lots of heavenly possibilities.

At the end of this email are the updates for classes, radio-show, etc.

But first I want to delve into the topic of the Mayan Calendar for this is an area of in depth study for me. As we begin to head full force into 2012 the December 21, 2012 date of the Mayan Calendar looms in the backs of many peoples minds -- many people are curious as to what to expect. Fortunately there are many scholarly books written on the subject, the Argüelles and the Calleman books in particular, are quite interesting and inspiring to read. There are some astrological and numerological insights as well, which give us a pretty clear indication as to what to expect.

Because the Mayan Prophecies are based on the astrological orbit of Venus we can assume that the 2012 planetary alignment will be like other similar planetary alignments, which means, usually on the date they actually do occur no one notices much of anything. Yet, later, we see that many things did in all actuality shift.

Does anyone recall the much ballyhooed Harmonic Convergence of 1987? It was not as well known as the Mayan Calendar, but it was quite significant at the time nevertheless, and looking back we can recognize its influence, and also that it served as an energetic cleansing that prepared us for where we are now as a civilization.

Using the system of numerology look at the date of the Mayan Prophecy and what do you see? 12 – 21 – 2012. Every number is either a one or a two. Ones represent the visionary. Twos represent collaboration. In numerology the numbers are always added and then reduced so 12 becomes 1 + 2 = 3. Three is the number of communication. 2 + 1 = 3 is repeated. Then we come to 2012. 2 + 1 + 2 = 5. Five is the number of freedom and the progressive. Together we get 12 (3) + 21 (3) + 2012 (5) = 11. Ahhh, now there is the ticket, for 11 is the number (or vibration) of mastery. The sum total of the numerological numbers on that date indicates vision, collaboration, communication, progress, and mastery. In a nutshell the numbers on that day tell us that we are entering into a new age when the expression of progressive global communication will be redefined and by some, mastered.

But wait, you might be asking, global communication has already happened with computers right? Yes, on both a superficial and a technical level, but humanity is being called to communicate in an entirely new way – a way founded in compassion, empathy, and understanding. Until now almost all global communication has been male oriented with an emphasis on speed and efficiency. It has been primarily cerebrally focused and devoid of heart. While tolerance and acceptance of that which is different are positive steps in today’s world they are not the same as genuine respect, interest, and curiosity in that which is different. We are being called to slow way down and to care about each other, to inquire and learn about each other, and to show this in the way we communicate. How do I know this? That is where Venus and Neptune come in.

As mentioned previously the Mayan Calendar is based on the orbit of the planet Venus. Additionally, right around the Mayan December date the sign of Neptune enters its original sign of Pieces for the first time since its discovery. Venus is the lower octave of love, Neptune the higher. Make no mistake here; The Mayan Prophecies represent a huge purification and shift in global consciousness and the foundation for this new and elevated consciousness is unmistakably love.

The planet Venus represents the expression of love, romance, affection, beauty, pleasure, happiness, luxury, manners and social graces. Neptune is the planet of mysticism, cosmic transmissions, spirituality, idealism, mystery, intuition, dreams, singing, surrealism, archetypes, fantasy and imagination. Together, these planets will serve to redefine mankind’s concept of beauty, serve to open humanities collective heart, and place an emphasis on all things feminine such as intuition, receptivity, mutuality, adaptability, compassion, kindness, service, connection with the earth, and reconnection to humanity at large. Naturally this energy will affect all consciousness on this planet, but those who are humble and pure of heart will hold the keys to the kingdom and have access to never seen before psychic, cosmic, spiritually, and creative abilities and gifts – the Light of God will literally shine through them.

Edgar Cayce and many other great mystics’ have prophesied about a time in the not too distant future when man would be ready to finally step into his true divine destiny; Cayce spoke of strategically placed crystals and other healing modalities that were hidden around the earth and once discovered would be great tools for healing and peace. These tools, he predicted, would elevate mankind if and when mankind was ready to work with such powerful energies. Is that time here? Sadly I don’t think so; as long as we live in an apathetic, material-obsessed world filled with hate, prejudice, corruption, and self absorption the answer is an unequivocal no.

“So there’s a lotta sense in living when the world we know starts giving, we can spread our wings some sunny day and fly away. But ‘til we all fly together what sense does it make?” - Seals & Crofts

But just as the Harmonic Convergence prepared some numbers of light-workers, the Mayan Prophecies will prepare even more, and soon the numbers of those serving the light will be great enough to create the necessary shifts to save our planet and each other and reclaim heaven on earth.

For true spiritual seekers – those who truly love and serve God --the Mayan Calendar transmission is going to be an awesome time. It is going to be a time when there are no limits to human/divine expression, a time to experience unlimited divine gifts while still living in an earth-bound body. Many people are already working with these incoming frequencies through spiritual practices like daily meditation.

But for much of humanity, those living a low chakra existence, nothing much will change. The world around them will just seem to spin faster and faster until the energies become too much – too intense and they will either continue to numb themselves or choose to leave their bodies and return home to God.

Have you noticed how many people have been dying the past 2-3 years? It is astounding. But mourn not the dead, for they are at peace and merely retuning “home” to God; mourn the living, those who are paralyzed with fear who are sleepwalking through life. Many souls are retuning “home” to regroup and reincarnate again right away in this new and glorious global consciousness, and still others will want to leave earth and work as light-workers on the other side.

Just remember, no matter how bad things may appear with wars, poverty, social, economic, and environmental issues, all this was expected; as polarity and duality are natural laws of the universe. We cannot expect great light without first experiencing great dark.

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” - Leonard Cohen

So start preparing now! Practice love, kindness, generosity, and selflessness, let these qualities define who you are. Help anyone you possibly can in any way you can; become a smile millionaire. Focus on Neptunian pursuits such as yoga, meditation, prayer, dream-work, creative pursuits, nature rituals, moon rituals, bathing rituals, and learning to be still and quiet. Reach out to your Angels and guides. Read books about astral-projection, crystals, dowsing, psychic healing, intuition, channeling, clairvoyance, horse-whispering, astrology, numerology, and kundalini. Get out in nature, go to bed early. Go for walks and stretch to strengthen and purify your body and prepare for the divine energies at hand. And most important of all, commune daily with God, for that is the Source of all this magic. No matter how fast the world may spin we are safe, for God is holding us all. The Mayan Calendar promises to awaken divine gifts in those who truly aspire to serve. You can do or be anything you want; the only limits to the human potential are those that exist in our own mind. Do you want to serve self or a higher purpose? The choice is yours. God is waiting for you - God is waiting for us all.

The on-line Radio show “tantra-talk” is a show focused entirely on answering listener’s questions about the topics of sacred sexuality and sexual healing and will be on the air any day now. In the blog section the Men’s health blog has been updated and there is a new blog in the Metaphysics section. It is an astrological profile comparing the lives of Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson. New classes are on the way, and I am available for private seasons. See the Services tab on the website.

That’s my two cents worth, thank you for reading.

My wish for you all is that you will continue to develop your minds, question everything, impact change, and most important of all, keep your hearts open and pure, and your face always to God.

With Love,
January 23, 2012

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10895905693?profile=originalBy John David Van Hove

Reviewers Note: You can now purchase her new e-book edition of the book on her website at: http://www.sangeetahanda.com/book.html

From the expression of gratitude to the “angel” who guided the authoring of this fine book, “Appointment with Destiny,” to the finalchapters in this exquisite metaphysical love story, this work of literary greatness shines with the light, hope and possibility for humankind.

Beginning with the “Present” comes a momentary reflection from the afterlife by the primary character Naina who wakes from her earthly slumber and realizes she is “dead” to the physical world of duality, but very much alive in the Spirit World.

Her Twin-Ray Christopher suddenly appears in brilliant light to join her. Thus begins a grand adventure in review of their mortal journey on earth, a rewind of their great story, in fact all of our stories as well. Interspersed throughout the novel are essays of guidance from the Ascended Masters introducing each section of the book and bits of
wisdom from the “Cosmic Law of Attraction.”

Naina’s life story begins in a contemporary city Udaipar, in the regal and exotic state of Rajasthan, India in a humble household. Her life encompasses a yearning for a celestial reunion with her Knight-in-White-Armor, a gift of magnificent healing abilities channeling the “Universal Life Force Energy” and an unexpected Indian wedding to the great sovereign Maharana, Sri Bahadur Tej Singh of Udaipur. “A wedding is said to be always an event, but a marriage is believed to be an achievement.”

This arrangement with the Maharana catapults the young virginal woman into another world of power and deep loneliness for Naina did not marry for love. In fact she believed it was the “sunset of love” instead. “It is only when the ego is dead, can a marriage become a sacred union of two souls.”

Eventually Naina breaks her icy disposition and accepts the Maharana’s umbrella of warm endearment and learns that “love is an expression of ecstasy.” Soon this new-found comfort crumbles into the despair of having giving up her dream of the White Knight. But through isolation and often despair we are introduced to our true self and a deepened sense of self-realization arises.

This was the case with Naina.

10895905300?profile=originalNow, she was competent to face adversities and disappointments with the grace and propensity of an inner realization. She knew how to remove the walls of fear, insecurities, inadequacies, lack and anguish.

Chapter by chapter of this epic tale progresses with an enlightening story of eternal love – a single white rose among a cluster of white-roses, interlacing old mythologies from ancient India including the Chitorgarh fortress, the famous Taj Mahal and a gallant surprise rescue from her kidnappers by the White Knight himself.

It is during her rescue Naina meets her Twin-Ray Christopher Kumar on earth for the first-time – a highly charged Divine Connection urgently transposed between both souls. This buzzing of high-powered excitation empowers a Celestial Union between the two known strangers. Herein lies a detailed description of Soulmates and Twin-Rays and the metaphysical significance of a Divine Union.

Though this auspicious meeting of souls happened quite remarkably so, it doesn’t necessarily end-up in immediate marital or romantic bliss for Naina and Christopher, as she was already betrothed to the Maharana and he was predisposed to his life in the private secret service force in Bombay. Thus years of separation ensue whereby the two lovers cannot be with each other as they might have desired.

The story goes on with many surprising twists and turns. Rarely have I read a story that kept my interest from page to page as this novel does. Highly recommended reading for any of you on the path of self-realization and discovery.

Author Website: Sangeeta Handa

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10895905487?profile=originalEditors Note: This "Re-declaration of Independence" was first published in the North American News Service (Summer 1995) to restore the sovereignty of the American people. Then it was included as Chapter 15 in the 2nd Edition of the Global Sovereign’s Handbook (1998).




All thirteen free and independent, sovereign states of America, excepting the sovereign Indian nations, were in agreement in making the original Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The people then, as the people now, have gathered the courage to liberate themselves from the bondage of foreign “rule.”


When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a nation, a group of people, or an individual to declare themselves free from the “rule” of another, then it is common decency, with respect to the opinions of all other people, to explain the reasons or grounds for the declaration.


Statement of Unalienable Rights and Natural Law


We the People believe these truths to be self-evident, to be so obvious that they need no proof, that all people, both men and women, regardless of race, sex, creed, or color are created equal under the natural law. We believe the Creator gives all of us certain unalienable rights that cannot be taken away. These unalienable rights are above and beyond the civil rights any government may enumerate. That among these rights are life, liberty, property, family, community, and the freedom to enjoy happiness.


To assure that these unalienable rights are protected and preserved for all the people, governments are created to enforce and defend the public trust. The source of authority from which all governments are created shall remain with the people for all time. We the People are the sovereign power from which all laws and governments arise.


If a government abuses its power or usurps the public trust, then the people have the unalienable right and a duty to change, alter or reform their government, or to abolish it completely and start a new one that will abide by the principles of natural law.


UnCOMMON SENSE dictates that an established government should not be overthrown for petty reasons. However, it is the nature of human beings to tolerate mistreatment, to grow accustomed to tyranny and chains rather than risk getting rid of a repressive and uncompassionate master.


Government maybe a necessary and often unpredictable evil, but at certain times during its history, a government will go too far in abusing the rights of its people. Today, more and more of the American people are realizing that the federal United States government has consistently lied, cheated, stolen, abused and killed its own people for many generations, that the American people have more to fear from their own government than enemies abroad or criminals within.


That the natural expression of our freedoms, the right to own property, and the unalienable rights secured by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are perceived as a threat by our own government is a symptom of the inevitable conclusion that the federal government must be stopped! Illegal, immoral and unconscionable activities of a government out of control have now reached into the lives of all Americans.


When this happens, it is the peoples' right and duty to abolish the current government and set up a new one that will better protect our rights, preserve our liberties, and uphold the public trust. Through this “Re-Declaration of Independence,”


We the People must once again become a free, sovereign people. We the People can reclaim our sovereign Citizenship of one of the several states of the constitutional Republic. Read more (pdf)...


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Why God Made Moms by Anonymous

10895904885?profile=originalWHY GOD MADE MOMS
Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions: 

Why did God make mothers?

1.  She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.
2.  Mostly to clean the house.
3.  To help us out of there when we were getting born.

How did God make mothers?

1.  He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
2.  Magic, plus super powers and a lot of stirring.
3.  God made my mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts.

What ingredients are mothers made of?

1.  God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the
world and one dab of mean.
2.  They had to get their start from men's bones.  Then they mostly use string, I think.

10895904687?profile=originalWhy did God give you your mother and not some other mom?

1.  We're related.
2.  God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's moms like me.

What kind of a little girl was your mom?

1.  My mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff.
2.  I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.
3.  They say she used to be nice.

What did mom need to know about dad before she married him?
1.  His last name.
2.  She had to know his background.  Like is he a crook?  Does he get drunk on beer?
3.  Does he make at least $800 a year?  Did he say NO to drugs and YES to chores?
Why did your mom marry your dad?

1.  My dad makes the best spaghetti in the world.  And my mom eats a lot.
2.  She got too old to do anything else with him.
3.  My grandma says that mom didn't have her thinking cap on.

10895905085?profile=originalWho's the boss at your house?
1.  Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dad's such a goof ball.
2.  Mom.  You can tell by room inspection.  She sees the stuff under the bed.
3.  I guess mom is, but only because she has a lot more to do than dad.

What's the difference between moms and dads?

1.  Moms work at work and work at home and dads just go to work at work.
2.  Moms know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.
3.  Dads are taller and stronger, but moms have all the real power 'cause 

     that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your friends.
4.  Moms have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.

What does your mom do in her spare time?

1.  Mothers don't do spare time.
2.  To hear her tell it, she pays bills all day long.

What would it take to make your mom perfect?
1.  On the inside she's already perfect.  Outside, I think some kind of plastic surgery.
2.  Diet.  You know, her hair.  I'd diet, maybe blue.

10895905454?profile=originalIf you could change one thing about your mom, what would it be?
1.  She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean.  I'd get rid of that.
2.  I'd make my mom smarter.  Then she would know it was my sister who did it not me.
3.  I would like for her to get rid of those invisible eyes on the back of her head.
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10895903890?profile=originalEditor's Note: Given the rampant fear since the nuclear incident in Japan we though it important to provide access to a source of detoxified iodine for thyroid health and to alleviate any fear of radiation entering the body.


PRODUCT: Detoxified Iodine


IodineSource.com is your source for detoxified iodine. Our iodine is reduced to a 1% concentration in 100% ethyl alcohol and electro-magnetically transmuted (while being suspended in a wet bath containing a mild acid solution) into the Atomic state. From there it is bottled in 1/2 oz. (amber) dropper bottles and unless otherwise indicated, labeled and sealed with a full bottle heat shrink.



Detoxified Iodine 1/2 oz: 4-6 week supply
Take 1 drop in 3 to 6 oz water or topically for the first day, increasing 1 drop each day for 5 days. Give yourself 2 days off and then repeat for five days. Follow this routine for three weeks. Then you can take 5 drops daily and work your way up slowly as long as there is no discomfort. Most people stabilize at 8 to 10 drops daily; some may need up to 12 to 15 drops. Once you have raised your levels, it may be okay to cut back a bit and it's okay to skip a day once in a while.



8 am to 12 noon on an empty stomach 30 minutes before or 1 hour after meals, medications and/or supplements. Taking it after 4 PM could raise your energy levels and leave you not being able to sleep at night.



1% Iodine Crystals in Ethyl Alcohol
(200 micrograms iodine per drop)



You can order a 1/2 oz bottle today for $25 (postpaid) at: www.iodinesource.com/Products.php

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flagbutterfly-288.jpgBy Johnny Liberty

The sovereignty and freedom movement at the turn of the millennium was leading the political culture to reexamine fundamental assumptions and the rightful role of government at every level in our daily affairs.
  1. Should the federal government have a limited or unlimited capacity to legislate or be restricted within the original intent of the U.S. Constitution? Is the separation of powers doctrine still in effect or have all three branches of government collapsed into one?
  2. Should the sovereign rights of the State Citizen within the State Republics be legislated or regulated away without constitutional authority? Does the federal government have the right to take our rightful citizenship away?
  3. Should the monied powers and central banks (e.g., Federal Reserve Bank), including their collection agencies (e.g., IRS), be allowed to dominate and control the political and legal landscape and take advantage of the system for their private or public corporate benefit?
  4. Should the tax laws and other laws be obeyed without question even if they lack constitutional or legislative authority? As in early revolutionary days (e.g., Boston Tea Party) do We the People not have the right to withhold our taxes as a form of protest against the unlawful or unjust activities of government?
  5. Do We the People have the sovereign right to petition for redress of grievances and the government has an obligation to respond to said petitions? Is this not a right inherent in all free countries under the Law of Nations?


irsbuilding-288.jpg?w=195Tenth Anniversary of IRS Raids
Today is the 10th year anniversary of the IRS raids executed against Johnny Liberty's home and business on February 28th, 2001 at 7PM HST - six months before 9/11 and two months after Bush was allegedly elected as President of the United States. This was part of the largest IRS operation in history against 36 locations on the same day/same time simultaneously in three countries.

At that time about two-dozen leaders, including Mr. Liberty, was at the forefront of the largest political movement gaining momentum at the turn of the millennium - the freedom, sovereignty and tax-honesty movement with over 63 million non-filers (by the IRS's own estimates) refusing to pay taxes as a form of political protest against the rising power of the New World Order.

Sovereignty & Freedom Movement
Because of the educational materials we developed and marketing worldwide, thousands of books and best-selling audio courses, millions of people were being educated along the lines of individual sovereignty and strategically withdrawing from U.S. jurisdiction and taking their money with them.

This caught the attention of the U.S. Congress in subcommittee when they declared war upon us. Within months discrediting stories were circulated in the mainstream media and investigations were launched resulting in the execution of the search warrants via the IRS criminal investigation unit on this historic day.

Historic in that it changed everyone's personal and professional life forever, but also signaled the beginning of the end of America as a free country with any rights whatsoever.

The powers-that-be decreed on that day that only the U.S. corporation had any rights as the seat of government of the democracy. We the People had no right to petition, no right to protest or dissent, no right to challenge centralized authority through lawful means.

The Republic had effectively been annihilated and with it any vestige of personal sovereignty of We the People or their respective States of the Union. Then little more than six months later a coup d'tat occurred post-911 where every branch of the federal government was militarized and deputized with police powers the U.S. Constitution never granted them.

Now, ten years later we live in another country, in another world determined not by the rule of law, but the rule of the elite few who would write and pass laws while exempting themselves from their effects. All branches of government have collapsed into one, an oligarchy of the government, by the corporation and for the global elite (not of, by and for the people anymore).

gsh-200x240_.jpgWho was Johnny Liberty?
In his time circa (1990 - 2010) he was a great, unsung American hero, a brave rainbow warrior who stood up to the powers-that-be and declared for all the world to hear - advocating sovereignty and freedom for all the people.

Through the power of the pen and the spoken world he inspired millions to open their eyes to the world around them and challenge not only authority by the reality being projected around us through media propaganda and social conditioning.

As the primary researcher and contributor to the "Global One Audio Course" published by GPG/IGP and author of the "Global Sovereign's Handbook" published by ICR with detailed compilations of history, law and economics, he took the politically incorrect stand against the rise of socialist welfare states and suggested that we the people are sovereign and have the lawful right to govern our own affairs independent of the federal government.

This revolutionary stand eventually cost him five years of his life as a political prisoner. He spent two years in federal prison and three years on a short leash on probation. Seven international businesses were destroyed along with a vision for the new millennium which failed to come to pass as a result of the IRS raids and resulting indictment, prosecution and conviction. See press releases...
Rarely has their walked this earth such a man willing to risk it all for the sake of the whole of humanity. His story began over twenty years ago and took him on a road few have travelled before or since. Like Crazy Horse of the Oglala Lakota tribe he considered himself to be the last free American State Citizen of the Republic who took his individual sovereignty and the restoration of the Republic seriously. He went where others feared to tread.

Millions followed his lead, more or less, and rose up to challenge authority peacefully and non-violently at every level of government usurped by the monied powers internationally and their respective lobby groups in Washington D.C.

Through acts of civil disobedience and filing legal paperwork, giving notice to various agencies of government of their unlawful and corrupt activities, this notion of individual sovereignty grew to huge proportions within a few years towards the millennia shift which was on everybody's mind.

The government felt threatened and had to do something to turn the tide backwards.

The sovereignty movement peaked, splintered and subsided after the IRS raids in 2001. Resulting prosecutions over the next five years left no less than 40 of it's leaders behind bars and/or bankrupt including Mr. Johnny Liberty (aka John David Van Hove).

Since then the notion of reclaiming all seven aspects of sovereignty (e.g., physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, economic, legal and political), an ancient seed planted once again over twenty years ago, has taken root in the hearts and minds of many young people and over the Internet during these closing days of American empire. This is a reminder to honor our unsung heroes, the founders, our ancestors and all indigenous people who came before us.

As Jefferson advised, "God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion."

As Franklin said, "We have given you a Republic, if you can keep it."

Johnny Liberty would say,"By casting off the chains of mental and economic slavery and living all seven aspects of sovereignty - the next quantum leap of consciousness for all humanity shall arise."

John David Van Hove, (aka Johnny Liberty), is an author, educator, researcher, community organizer and networker, entrepreneur, musician and performing artist and public speaker extraordinaire in many topic areas including individual sovereignty, freedom and liberty, history, law, economics, money and the nature of global power structures.

He authored the best–selling "Global Sovereign's Handbook,""Allodial Titles & Land Patents" and other books, produced two audio courses including the "Global One Audio Course,""Success Education Course" and a film entitled "The Taboo of Sovereignty, Money, Love & Power."

As a consequence of the controversial political notion that all the people are born sovereign and free in America, Johnny spent two years in federal prison and understands the legal system from the inside out. He authored a "Federal Criminal Defendant's Handbook" while incarcerated.

He's back on the lecture circuit with the topic "Vision for a New America & the World."

Resources & Archival Education Materials:
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The Miracle of Ozone | Health Reporting

By Linda Cotrufello


Ozone, from the Greek, is a form of oxygen so important that the translation means, "The Breath of God." Medical grade ozone has many uses that are widely published on the internet. It has been used for over 50 years successfully in Germany for a variety of diseases, including Aids, cancer, hepatitis, genital herpes, chronic fatigue syndrome...the list goes on and on. A dear friend of mine has been fighting breast cancer for 7 months and was never told about ozone therapy due to suppression by our government. She is now heading for surgery, frustrated by diet and holistic methods. Wouldn't it be wonderful if people in need could access this incredible option? There are no practitioners that I am aware of in Ashland who administer ozone to the public.

With this sorry fact in mind, I have taken it upon myself to purchase a very powerful home unit in hopes of selling them and empowering others to use this modality. It emits 3500mg per hour of pure cold plasma ozone in conjunction with steam. The body is immersed in a sauna to the neck and ozone fed into the unit. I also recommend detox foot spa treatments to enhance the electrical signature of the body. These two powerful units are available from me at www.healthytransformation.com
Keep in mind I am not able to make medical claims but am giving information commonly available on the internet.

For more info please call me at 541-324-7971 or "google" medical grade ozone therapy.

  • Inactivates viruses; oxidizes bacteria, yeast, fungi, parasites, protozoa, cancer cells
  • Stimulates the immune system, speeds healing
  • Cleans arteries and veins, improving circulation
  • Purifies the blood and the lymph
  • Oxidizes toxins, facilitating their excretion
  • Normalizes hormone and enzyme production
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Reduces pain, calms nerves
  • Prevents shock
  • Prevents stroke damage
  • Reduces cardiac arrhythmia
  • Improves brain function and memory
  • Scavenges free radicals
  • Chelates heavy metals, working well in conjunction with EDTA
  • Stimulates production of protective cell enzymes
  1. Inactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa: Ozone disrupts the integrity of the bacterial cell envelope through oxidation of the phospholipids and lipoproteins. In fungi, ozone inhibits cell growth at certain stages. With viruses, the ozone damages the viral capsid and upsets the reproductive cycle by disrupting the virus-to-cell contact with peroxidation. The weak enzyme coatings on cells which make them vulnerable to invasion by viruses make them susceptible to oxidation and elimination from the body, which then replaces them with healthy cells.
  2. Enhancement of circulation: In circulatory disease, a clumping of red blood cells hinders blood flow through the small capillaries and decreases oxygen absorption due to reduced surface area. Ozone reduces or eliminates clumping and red cell flexibility is restored, along with oxygen carrying ability. Oxygenation of the tissues increases as the arterial partial pressure increases and viscosity decreases. Ozone also oxidizes the plaque in arteries, allowing the removal of the breakdown products, unclogging the blood vessels.
  3. Stimulation of oxygen metabolism: Ozone causes an increase in the red blood cell glycolysis rate. This leads to the stimulation of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) which leads to an increase in the amount of oxygen released to the tissues. Ozone activates the Krebs cycle by enhancing oxidative carboxylation of pyruvate, stimulating production of ATP. Ozone also causes an increase in the NADH reducing process and helps to oxidize cytochrome C. There is a stimulation of the production of the enzymes which act as free radical scavengers and cell wall protectors: glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase. Production of prostacyclin, a platelet aggregation inhibitor, and a vasodilator, is also induced by ozone.
  4. Formation of peroxides: Ozone reacts with the unsaturated fatty acids of the lipid layer in cellular membranes, forming hydro peroxides. There is a synergistic effect with cellular-formed H2O2. Lipid peroxidation products include alkoxyl and peroxyl radicals, singlet oxygen, ozonides, carbonides, carbonyls, alkanes and alkenes.
  5. Dissolution of malignant tumors: Ozone inhibits tumor metabolism. In addition, ozone oxidizes the outer lipid layer of malignant cells and destroys them through cell lysis (break-down). Phagocytes produce H2O2 and hydroxyl and ozone to kill bacteria and viruses. The generation of hydroxyl by killer cells is critical to their cytotoxic capability. Ozone stimulates conversion of arginine to citrulline, nitrite and nitrate by phagocytes, promoting their action on tumors. 6. Activation of the immune system: Ozone administered at a concentration of between 30 and 55 ug/cc causes the greatest increase in the production of interferon and the greatest output of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin 2. The production of interleukin 2 launches an entire cascade of subsequent immunological reaction.
Here's another tidbit from the same site:

In 1933, the American Medical Association, headed up by Morris Fishbein, set out to eliminate all medical treatments that were competitive to drug therapy. The suppression of ozone therapy in the US began then, and continues to this day, except in ten US states, where doctors are protected by state laws. At the behest of the AMA, the FDA began seizing generators in the 1940s.

Source: Healthy Transformation
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FF-Fear-288By Johnny Liberty

Author's Note: This article was written three years after 9/11/01. I re-post it here for your reflection on the ninth anniversary.

Artwork: Norman Rockwell's Famous Four Freedoms: Fear, Religion, Speech and Want

"In these times, to dare to speak the truth about 911 is heresy, a revolutionary act. The future has been unfolding in the media like a novel written with malice towards freedom-loving, God-loving people everywhere. The “war on terror” is a war for the minds and souls of the people, a war on consciousness. On this nine-year anniversary of 9/11, this is a call to action, to speak out, to stand and to think for yourself. What really happened? Who is really responsible? What are you going to do about it? This is another judgment day. May you not remain blind to the engineered events designed to shape our world. What you believe is a choice of consciousness. Will you choose a world of fear and perpetual terror, or a world of love, tolerance , diversity and freedom for all? The choice is yours." - Johnny Liberty

In the hours and days following the tragic event of 9/11, I experienced a strange and wakeful honesty in the American people. As if a spell cast by dark forces had been broken, I witnessed honest emotions and tears huddled around television sets, on the streets, in the bars, offices, synagogues and churches, even in the confused looks of the newscasters
reporting the news who had no clue what was happening. For the first-time, nobody was cuing them in their earpieces, spinning the news and telling them what to say. They had to improvise.

These hours and days following the collapse of the World Trade Center, the plane crash in Pennsylvania and the Pentagon, was a time of breakdown and breakthrough. Not since the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King and John Lennon, had I experienced such a tragic yet spiritual and emotional awakening in America. These are the times that try mens souls.

What do you remember feeling that day? When did the grief really hit you in the heart? When did the shockwave of disbelief rock your world? 9/11 changed everybody and everything forever in America and the world. Whether it changed for the better or worse depends on what you are willing to look at and question.

So what happened in your world beyond 9/11?

Did you go back to sleep? Or did you finally wake up to the spin-master engineered news, false flag covert operations and pretense of lies and deceit comprising much of our daily intake of "reality?"

What are you going to do about it? How are you going to change your life in the future for the better? How are we going to change our strategy for ending "terror?" What can you and I do to prevent such an atrocity from ever happening again? How can we win this "war on terror" and ever achieve true security? What are you willing to do to create "another world order" where another 9/11 is unthinkable anywhere in the world, not just in America?

What are you willing to admit about America's responsibility, we the people's responsibility for creating conditions in the world over the last five decades that have left millions of people in enough despair and hopelessness to hate us? Why haven't we listened? Why haven't we cared enough? Why haven't we done enough to respect those who think and believe differently than we do?

What really happened that day? Who is really responsible for engineering that event? Did the 9/11 Commission get to the bottom of it and tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to the American people? Was Bin Laden really the culprit or was he just the fall guy like Oswald or another CIA asset?

FF-Religion-288What have you learned?

Nine years later on the anniversary of 9/11, what have you learned?

I learned to stay more awake to what’s really important in my life. My priorities shifted. I learned to be more watchful of what’s being said in the media, listening carefully to the lies between the lines. I am more willing to stand in disbelief than to rush into a false belief or conclusion. I’m not as willing to believe without questioning authority and the status quo. According to a Zogby International poll released last month, almost 50% of New Yorkers believe the government knew 9/11 was going to happen and did nothing to stop it.

Have you learned history often happens by design, not just by an accident of fate. An old proverb sums it up. “If we don’t learn from history, we are condemned to repeat it.”

History teaches that 9/11 could very well have been planned by a cast of characters much larger and closer to home than we’re being told or have been willing to believe. Remember the Reichstag? Hitler planned it to discredit his opponents and seize power. He accomplished his goal by a secret act of terror against his own people. Is it possible something similar happened with 9/11?

Are you more willing to question external authority and doubt the veracity of our leaders? Are you more willing to trust your own internal authority? Are you more willing to become a leader in your own life and in the lives of those around you? Are you more willing to find out the truth for yourself and use your own mind to discern truth from lies?

Awake or asleep?

Have we as a people, as a nation awoken more to the truth since 9/11, or returned to sleepwalking through our existence? Are we just too busy surviving, too tired, too lazy and too scared to live in the truth? Have we returned to the business of struggling to survive, just paying the bills, drugging ourselves with anti-depressants while entertaining ourselves and struggling to succeed in a no-win, dead-endgame? Or are we beginning to question external authority and the mainstream media story? Are we the people going to wake up for good or fall hopelessly back asleep? You decide.

Believers or doubters?

Are we the people still true believers in the mainstream media story spun hours and days after the tragic event of 9/11? Or are we willing to discover the truth for ourselves, at least doubt enough to question? Bin Laden as the perpetrator of 9/11 was spun out long before there was any evidence. In my mind, 9/11 was written like a movie script, not a real world event. There are too many unanswered questions and missing pieces to be a sound explanation. What are they hiding and where is Bin Laden? Why are we not getting the whole truth and nothing but?

Are we the people tired of being lied to, tired of being cheated and robbed of the truth in broad daylight? Are we ready to step into our own power and face the uncomfortable truth? There are huge and credible doubts being illuminated from many competent and credible sources? There are mountains of evidence that not only have the American people and the world been lied to by the mainstream media and our leaders, but high-level officials in several governments were complicit if not altogether in on the planning and implementation of 9/11.

Truth is stranger than fiction

During our darkest and most dangerous hour, agencies and individuals with the power and capacity to defend America acted incompetently. Instead of defending the country as they are obliged to do, the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, security at the airports and strategic air defenses all failed to prevent the attacks. That became clear after the 9/11 Commission reports.

They could have shot those planes out of the air before they hit the buildings. They didn’t. Why not?

Who was in charge? Who gave the order to disengage the strategic air defenses (AWAC) violating long-time standard procedures? Only two people in the world have that power: President George W. Bush Jr. and the NATO commander-in-chief.

FF-Speech-288Attack on America and the world

America was attacked on September 11th, 2001, but so was the world. Yes. America was attacked on her own soil, but by whom and for what purpose? Who benefited? Who profited? Who is paying the price? You and I are losing our freedoms, losing our liberty in the name of a perpetual "war on terror," losing our country and our way of life. This loss is as much a result of the attack on America as our reactive and immature response.

Since the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq America and the world is no safer, but less secure since 9/11. The Department of Homeland Security promotes "terror" at home and abroad. "Terror" is now institutionalized. "Terror" is now part of the American dreamscape. America has changed forever, and at this juncture America has changed for the worst not the better.

It’s not Bin Laden and Al Queda causing economic instabilities at home, although he’s a great scapegoat. Our economic decline is directly a result of failed leadership, shortsightedness, greed and complicity as a
people permitting the loss of liberty to fight this no-win “war on terrorism.” America is finally paying a price for our sins.

Change in America and the world

America is now a dying nation, just a memory of a once free country of free people, rapidly becoming another third world country economically. Who looks each other in the eyes on the streets and extends a warm welcome anymore? Who do you trust? Why are we projecting so much fear and suspicion upon each other? America is a nation no more.

America is acting like a global tyrant and bully in the eyes of most of the civilized world. America is looking and feeling more like fascist Germany or communist Russia these days, not the America I love. Flying into New York City after the Republican National Convention last month, I witnessed a city and a government under siege, under military occupation with troops and helicopters, police and barriers everywhere. How long can the U.S. Government hide behind their prison walls and keep the truth from us?

We the People as a nation are dying. Liberty and justice for all is dying. Are you going to help America be reborn as a free country or let it die in your arms? You decide what you are going to do about it.

Do you accept in your mind without question, without concern, these profound changes in America, our republican form of government and the limited power delegated to our leaders? Have you changed your mind to accommodate the perpetual “war on terrorism,” or is it still just a bad dream? Will you stand up for the nation America could be again?

The wisdom of insecurity

Do you accept airport security systems as a necessary sacrifice in the "war on terror"? Or do you avoid airport security systems by refusing to fly commercially?

The Transportation

Security Authority haven’t to my knowledge caught a single terrorist at any airport, yet millions of us must suffer delays, interrogation, blacklisting and invasive searches on a daily basis just in case one is
found. This is not a security system. This is an insult, an indoctrination system for the American people. Get used to the police state. Today, it’s more security at the airports. Tomorrow, it’s the military policing your hometown or in New York City or Washington D.C.

The day after 9/11, I knew in my gut that America had changed forever. I knew it then and see it now. If I could push a magic button and whisk America back to September 10th, 2001, I would push that button now. But I cannot. I don't have that power. Pandora will never go back into the box. Sooner or later, we the people must step beyond denial and look squarely into the eyes of our future, for better or worse depends completely on you and I.

A simple 9/11 theory

Here’s a simple theory about 9/11. 9/11 was an inside job planned by high-level officials in several governments (e.g., United States, United Kingdom and Israel). 9/11 was a covert operation planned by several intelligence communities (e.g., CIA, British intelligence, Mossad, Pakistani intelligence) on behalf of these governments and other powers in collaboration with Bin Laden and Saudi Arabia. 9/11 was another stepping stone for establishing world government and destroying national sovereignty.

The purpose for 9/11 was to change America’s democratic form of government into a fascist form of government by emergency decree of the President and by reorganizing the federal government's police powers in a Department of Homeland Security.

The purpose for 9/11 was to perpetuate a “war on terror,” justify America's empire-building around the world in 162 countries where America has a military or police presence to secure future oil and
continuous profits from war. 9/11 was a coup d’etat of the American political system which succeeded royally in duping the public to accept a change in government. 9/11 ushered “neo-conservatism” and the Israeli lobby for American military superiority in the Middle East into power.

Look at America today. Compare America with 2001 before 9/11. America’s not the same country. The whole world has changed.

The U.S. Congress lost its spine after the “anthrax” scares post-9/11. The U.S. Congress voted and passed the “USA Patriot Act” and will do whatever they’re told for fear or retribution of losing political favor and reelection. Why we the people still believe the government's lies is anybody’s guess. As Mark Twain once quipped, "How do you know the government is lying? They’re moving their lips."

Did you know the term “homeland security” was extracted directly from Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.” The global elite bent on imposing world government for their benefit alone are not only laughing at America, they are killing our sons and daughters on the battlefield of war while we the people stand by watching television and reading the same old manufactured news in the papers. Read the writing on the wall? You don’t need a crystal ball to see where America is going?

Neo-Conservatism = Global Fascism = Global Communism = Global Empire

Do you still believe it was Bin Laden who orchestrated 9/11, acting alone or in consort with Al Queda? Do you still believe Saddam Hussein had anything to do with 9/11? Are you not aware both Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were put into power, provided guns, weapons and trained by the CIA? Do you still believe Al Queda, created by the CIA while Bin Laden was under their employ, exists independent of our own intelligence community? Factions within the U.S. Government created a new enemy for
the global elite in Al Queda so America could fight the perpetual war for profit and change our form of government more to their liking.

FF-Want-288Terrorism and war

All our expensive and futile efforts at fighting this elusive "war on terror," post 9/11, have done nothing to stop “terrorism” or catch and prosecute a single “terrorist” responsible for the attacks. If anything,
our efforts have poured gasoline on the fire and created more terrorists. If anything, our efforts have stimulated and institutionalized the perpetual continuation of the problem of “terrorism,” not its resolve.

We’re chasing ghosts of America's past interventions and acts of terror against 162 countries since 1801. We’re chasing boogie men. We’re attacking innocent nations instead of the perpetrators and pointing
angry fingers at any Arab-looking person we can blame. How do you blame 2.5 billion people for such a crime?

No matter how much fiat money and military force is thrown at the problem of “terrorism,” it will not and cannot be solved by those in power or those seeking it. Neither George W. Bush or John Kerry have the leadership or the prowess to solve this problem of "terrorism."

Because the global power structure and the global elite considers the “war on terror” a solution, a means to maintain absolute control on the world as they’ve engineered it. The “war on terror” is the means for keeping power by perpetuating any highly profitable war and making the people pay for it with blood and taxes. It’s a no-win scenario, but the chosen strategy of the hour. There must be a better way to attain world peace.

With few exceptions, our present leaders will not change it. They have a vested self-interest to maintain the status quo at all costs, even a “fascist” status quo leading us down the road to global communism and a total police state.

The change in policy and tactics must come from people with a vision outside the government, from leaders independent of the political process with the capacity for communications, diplomacy and
statesmanship. The agenda is to implement massive change of our political and economic landscape. It must come from you and I.

There must be a massive revolution of consciousness, sovereign-minded and compassionate people willing to step into uncomfortable situations and take leadership where the banks, the government, the politicians, the courts and corporations have failed.

The“war on terror” will not end without addressing the roots of war: poverty, injustice, ideological differences, religious intolerance and tyranny. This war will not end by imposing the idea of “democracy” at any nation, Arab or otherwise, then proceeding to rule them by dictatorship as we’re doing in Iraq. Such hypocrisy only inflames their hatred towards America. This war will not end without intelligent conflict resolution and diplomatic skills wielded by statesmen and stateswomen detached from political or personal gain.

Bully in a china shop

America is blundering through the world like a bull in a china shop. America has become a threat to freedom and democracy everywhere. As the world’s only superpower on behalf of global corporate interests, America has become a bully pursuing self-interest and exploiting anywhere we please. America is the new bully on the block. America has lost its vision, its moorings, the foundation of liberty and justice for all. Mostly, America has lost its sense of leadership and respect in the world.

America lashed out at Afghanistan and the Taliban in a rageful fit, yet none of the purported terrorists were from Afghanistan. Most were identified as Saudi Arabians, yet we did not attack Saudi Arabia. If Bin Laden was in Afghanistan, he was well-hidden in some cave, or sequestered in a luxury hotel somewhere unbeknownst to American, British and Israeli intelligence? Or has Bin Laden been dead for years and the CIA has been doctoring up some old videos to make us think he’s still alive and masterminding his next attack on America? You can't believe everything you watch on television or read in the newspapers.

America lashed out at the people of Iraq and Saddam Hussein looking for weapons of mass destruction that were not there. Or was the war really about confiscating the oil for American and British companies? America struggles to occupy an Islamic country that has no interest in foreign
rule, especially from “infidels.” America is isolated and alone in the global community, with few allies in this effort.

What happened to the justifiable outrage after the attack on America? Has it turned upon America and the world in a strange, twisted and self-destructive way? Have we poisoned the soul of a nation and turned into our own worst enemy perceived as a threat even by our friends in the global community? Are we just another example of an another empire destined to collapse, not from foreign invaders, but from a collapse of integrity within?

Our daily lives in America and in the world have changed forever. Elected representatives, political opportunists and judicial activists at home have taken advantage of our character weakness, our fear and confusion to foist a new way of life upon America inconsistent with long-held principles inherent in the founding of this country. Instead of grieving with us on this day, the opportunist at home serves their greedy self-interest and bolsters an un-American agenda. Anyone of sane mind, might dare call it treason.

We now live in a police state, a virtual dictatorship by the President resulting in less freedom, less liberty, more incursions into our daily lives, spying by the FBI into our private lives, attacks upon our
liberties by the Department of Justice, all using the same lame excuse of fighting a “war on terror,” a war that cannot be won.

The Department of Justice acquired sweeping new powers under the “USA Patriot Act.” The President can list anyone as an “enemy combatant,” strip them of the writ of habeas corpus, due process and a trial, even representation by an attorney to defend themselves. This is a dangerous precedent and has no place in a free country, a republic of, by and for the people. Although, this power has been somewhat restricted by the U.S. Supreme Court, it's still a dangerous power and precedent.

I repeat, the “war on terror” cannot be won anymore than the “war on drugs,” the “war on poverty” or any of the other so-called wars declared by the U.S. Government. These wars are marketing concepts created by government public relations departments, not solutions to pressing problems and global issues.

Problems are not solved by declaring war or creating a new government bureaucracy. Problems are solved by thoughtful examination of all the factors involved and implementing a careful conflict resolution process addressing the underlying roots and causes. It takes a great mind and deep heart to take opposing ideas and resolve conflict, not a bully.

SignGotTruthwithChild1-288Empowerment and change. So what can we do about it?

As Gandhi once said, “It may seem very insignificant what you do, but it is very important you do it.” Large or small actions, each one of us can make a difference in America and the world. Together we can shift the tide towards liberty and justice for all, limited government and the rule of law and compassion.

We can wake up, get educated, become prosperous and share wealth with others. We can implement a bigger idea of “sovereignty” in our lives, take responsibility and reclaim title to self and property. We can work on the environment, raise a child, create new businesses to solve problems and provide services to those in need.

We can identity the causes, problems and conditions underlying terrorism and create new results and solutions. It takes resolve. It takes willpower, competence, intelligence and leadership. Are you willing to step into leadership now?

It’s not the few truly evil people in the world that concerns me most. It’s the good people, good men and women who stand by and do nothing when evil does its dance. Do something, anything to make a difference. You can.

The choice is yours.


Intelligent news for the rest of us.

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There is demand at all levels society for the unique political bridge-building experience developed by members of the Transpartisan Alliance. The skills, tools and know how for constructively engaging across divides to achieve greater collaboration are in demand at all levels of society, within and between all types of organizations. As part of its mission the Transpartisan Alliance offers consulting services to conference planners, conveners, organizers and design teams for: • Framing purpose, themes, intended outcomes and event invitations in ways that attract politically diverse participants • Designing meetings and gatherings that create the level of safety and trust needed to address and process the emotional wounds of division • Applying transpartisan design principles to producing gatherings that maximize opportunity to connect, dialogue, deliberate and explore opportunities to build relationships/partnerships/collaborative initiatives going forward Facilitators, trainers and speakers: Peter Hwosch Amanda Kathryn Roman Joseph McCormick Debilyn Molineaux Walt Roberts mc-banner-sidebar.gif
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Dear Friends, It doesn't concern me in the least whether or not you come over "on my side" concerning the issue of chemtrails. If you wish to remain ignorant, blind, unobservant, and uninformed, that is your prerogative. Your willful blinding to the fact that large scale aerosol operations by huge tanker aircraft (and other, non-conventional flying platforms) of toxic substances are taken place daily right over your head will not prevent you from breathing in that toxic fallout, nor will it prevent the contamination of the crops, ground water, or surface water that will eventually find its way into your body. An ostrich who puts his head into the sand is merely engaging in psychological denial; he is not protecting himself or removing himself from danger. At least the bird has an excuse. It's a less evolved form of life with a brain about the size of a plum, but what excuse does a human being have who possesses a much larger brain and has the capacity to calculate and think in the abstract? I don't have to re-address the stupid assertion made by stupid skeptics that there is a similarity between present-day chemtrails and the exhaust smoke seen in the skies of World War II because I've already addressed that moronic assertion in previously written replies to other skeptical knot heads who came before you. Had these chemtrail aerosol operations begun in 2008, instead of 1998, I would likely be more patient in trying to win you over to "my side" (meaning the exertion of time and energy in an attempt to pull along dummies who are blithely sitting on the tracks while the Amtrak Midnight Express is bearing down), but the days of patient debate with the Slow Witted about the reality of chemtrails are long behind us. There must be a few thousand web sites today that discuss chemtrails. Dr. Len Horowitz came out with his book on chemtrails, Death in the Air easily 5 years ago. Cbswork produced his 30 minute video about chemtrails and the chembuster, Clouds of Death, around 2002. William Thomas has produced numerous video documentaries about chemtrails since 1998. Chris Carnicom came out with his lengthy video expose of chemtrails called Aerosol Crimes at least 2.5 years ago. You can see the entire documentary posted on Youtube. Here's a good place to start. This is part 7 of 9 parts from Aerosol Crimes posted at YouTube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKSb1wwJfgg&feature=related Part 8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXcRLhV1zTw&feature=related These segments include an explanation from a Naturopathic doctor named Gwen Scott about how to antidote against chemtrail particulate fallout. She offers good tips, for example, on how to remove the barium and aluminum metal that are being sprayed with chemtrails. She also mentions that the incident of children asthma attacks in her home state, New Mexico, had risen from 4% just 5 years ago, to 70% at the time of the documentary filming. That gives you an inkling into just how damaging chemtrails are. Here are all 9 parts of Aerosol Crimes: Aerosol Crimes Part 1 of 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrsL87SeiIM&feature=related Part 2 of 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBZH4gsoCbc&feature=related Part 3 of 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHTIZnN3YQM&feature=related Part 4 of 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRBcsCVm_xI&feature=related Part 5 of 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dozRpFVRWA0&feature=related Part 6 of 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1npZWSsIWsc&feature=related Part 7 of 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKSb1wwJfgg&feature=related Part 8 of 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXcRLhV1zTw&feature=related Part 9 of 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD7JhrGRB7k&feature=related Clouds of Death (3 parts) Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Smz5EXQg13w Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb3_G57-3sg&feature=related Part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ONgnjgE90s&feature=related Chemtrails, Good Bye Blue Sky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K4VcK8Vo8w&feature=related Chemtrails viewed through an infrared filter, London, Dec. 2007 (9 minute video, interesting & revealing) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGsGYKpQIl0&feature=related Montage of chemtrail photos and sprayer planes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHAv9dflTX0&feature=related How much in-your-face data, articles, photos, videos, books, web sites, and radio talk shows will it take to get you to wake up? How can anybody be so utterly clueless about chemtrails in 2008 when they've been spraying around the clock, 24/7 for TEN SOLID YEARS? -- Ken Adachi Source: http://educate-yourself.org/lte/subjectchemtrails03apr08.shtml Resources: Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare by Dr. Leonard Horowitz
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