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Stop Monsanto Protection Act

stopMonsantoProtectionAct1.jpgThis week the House of Representatives will consider a provision to House Agricultural Appropriations Bill that will fundamentally undermine the concept of judicial review. Hidden under the guise of a “Farmer Assurance Provision” (Section 733), the provision strips the rights of federal courts to halt the sale and planting of genetically engineered crops during the legal appeals process.

In the past, legal advocates have successfully won in court the right to halt the sale and planting of unapproved GMO crops while the approval of those crops is under review by a federal judge. This dangerous new House provision, which we're calling the Monsanto Protection Act, would strip judges of their constitutional mandate to protect consumer rights and the environment, while opening up a floodgate of planting of new untested genetically engineered crops, endangering farmers, consumers and the environment.

Once again, Monsanto and the biotech industry are working behind closed doors to undermine your basic rights. This time they’ve gone too far! Join us in putting a stop to the Monsanto Protection Act!

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By Steve Bhaerman (aka Swami Beyondananda

"The problem with knee-jerk reactions is that you too often end up kneeing the wrong jerk." -- Swami Beyondananda

Dear Friends:steve

In the wake of the tragic and senseless bombings in Boston this past Monday, three "usual suspects" emerged:

  • It was the Muslims.
  • It was the white supremacist gun nuts.
  • It was the government pulling off yet another false flag attack.


In this whodunit, each camp pre-concluded the perpetrator based on their worldview - or at least hoped out loud that their villain was the perp. Progressive journalist David Sirota, who otherwise seems to have his head on straight, wrote a piece for Salon entitled, "Let's Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber is a White American", and those who know a little too much about "false flag operations" saw government conspiracy written all over it.

Now two Chechin brothers have been identified as the perpetrators, and that seems like a likely enough story. As Freud supposedly said, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. At the same time, given the way the government has used each incident to institute creeping martial law (in this case the lockdown of the entire city), it's understandable why any official story might lack credibility.

Like the little boy who cried Wolfowitz, our government and military industrial complex has so often manipulated the facts, distorted the truth, and cultivated fear, division, and disinformation that the body politic is suffering from what can only be called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, probably dating back nearly half a century to the Kennedy assassination.

Because there is no longer a trusted arbiter of the "truth" people are free to believe whatever they believe and hunker into their "silos" and receive only the information that reinforces their preconceptions.

There are still people who believe that Muslims are the only villains out there, or America, or Obama or the NRA. Here's the inconvenient truth. Villainy is an equal-opportunity employer.

The history of our so-called civilization has been so ruled by the "Rule of Gold Rule" ("Doo-doo unto others before they can doo-doo unto you") that our collective unconscious is a seething toxic mass of unresolved grief, terror and rage. As the unworkability of the whole thing becomes more and more apparent, the poison escapes - or explodes - out of any convenient pore.

As the media pulls us into the "details" of the story, we might do better by pulling ourselves out of the trees to see what the "forest" has to tell us. And I see two key areas of "common ground" so that we can individually and collectively come to our senses and - as the Swami would put it - "turn the funk into function, and leave the junk at the junction."

A Convenient Truth

The first is to appreciate and utilize a very convenient truth. We have a deeply united body politic. Regardless of where they line up on the political spectrum, the vast majority of ordinary citizens recognize that our government and corporate media cannot be trusted to tell us the truth, or even to call forth a constructive conversation. Like the friend or family member who is possessed by alcoholism or addictive drugs, the government (actually, the corporate state - coercive power doing the bidding of big money) cannot "heal" itself.

What is required is an "intervention" where the addict's loved ones come together to check the individual into a program.

America requires not just an intervention, but an "inner-vention" where we look inside ourselves to acknowledge the seeds of the evils we see "out there" and together in conversation - left and right coming front and center - we speak and listen together first to determine the "likeliest story," and then to ascertain and call forth what we would like instead. In other words, the intervention and inner-vention should lead to IN-vention.

As Van Jones famously said a few years ago, Martin Luther King's speech was not, "I have a complaint." We all have complaints, grievances, stories of injustice. That is the history of humankind - or rather, human-unkind.

And there is a parallel story, which is our second hopeful area of common ground.

For millennia, our spiritual teachers have pointed us toward the notion that we are indeed all in it together, that as Jesus said, "What you do to the least of us, you do to me."

It doesn't matter what the religious or nonreligious ethical system is, at the foundation there is love and connectivity. You can see here similar expressions of the Golden Rule in a number of different traditions.

As philosopher Alan Watts suggested, maybe it's time for the religious people of the world to stop worshipping the finger and instead see where it is pointing. This goes for fundamentalist atheists as well, whose belief in a non-God can be as fervent and rigid as any religious fanatic. Even if they cannot believe in God, they can certainly believe in Good. In the space beyond words and concepts, it's the same thing.

So ... what would it be like for Americans to step away from their screens (computer screens, TV screens, and the belief screens that shield us from novel ideas), and gather together in sacred space? What would it be like to call forth that which exists beyond religion and non-religion, and ask ourselves to speak into and listen from that space? There is no political, religious, economic, technical savior who can or will make things right. And ... by using the collected heart wisdom of humanity to properly focus our mental capabilities, we might actually be able to navigate the evolutionary passage in front of us.

Will we do it? As baseball great Willie Mays once said, "That's what we're going to play the season to find out."

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By Dan Cordona MD

imageLike most holiday seasons these days, the ads on- and offline for Valentine’s Day remind me how much has been lost about the origins of holiday rituals. Like nearly all holidays in the modern era, Valentine’s Day has a pagan origin, then was disguised and converted to a religious holiday, and finally a commercial “holiday.”

The most commonly accepted origin of Valentine’s Day is the Roman pagan holiday of Lupercalia, in which young women would place their names in a box and each man would draw a name for the sensual festivities that followed!

The Valentine’s Day heart symbol is also a clue to its origin, which symbolized the shared energetic connection between a male and female in an erotic embrace. Because the erotic energy generated between a man and woman is the most creative power on Earth, the pagan rituals were centered around converting (transmuting) this energy for purposes of fertility of the land, prosperity for the people, and health and abundance for the couple in the erotic embrace.

The secrets of transmuting this erotic energy have been forgotten among the masses and now practiced among only a few in the modern era. This is unfortunate because erotic energy used only for the pursuit of more and more intense sensual pleasure is well known to destroy kingdoms, careers, marriages and ultimately the health of the physical body.

On the other hand, when the energy created between a man and woman in an erotic embrace is “harvested” the couple can transmute this energy to whatever the couple wishes, from health to financial abundance, and everything in between. 

Source: Sacred Secrets of Sex & Love Blog


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By Happy Oasis, Raw Spirit Community News

Born the Middle East (Indiana), highly-entertaining and well-informed, Katharine Clark is not only a gourmet raw chef with 25 years of innovative recipes, but also also a professor of algae, a cosmopolitan traveler, and fascinating encyclopedia of health and nutrition with whimsical twists for fun, love and adventure.

Katharine recently completed two years as the Health Education Director at the Hipppocrates Health Institute in Florida. In July, Dr. Gabriel Cousens invited Katharine to speak as the sole female presenter at the Elders Conference at the Tree of Life. It's easy to imagine that dynamic Katharine could be an even more famous circuit speaker. Perhaps she is too free-spirited and too humble to take such ambitions seriously?

H: Katharine, What's inspiring you these days?
K: How many new and young raw fooders there are! A growing number of bloggers are not so knowledgeable, jumping on and off a healthy diet, but are very popular - which is amazing.
H: Perhaps because they are ridiculously honest?
K: Yes.
H: Katharine, What lights up your life?
K: Nature. Friends.

Katharine and I shared stories of the heart about our treasured friendships with many raw leaders including Dr. Gabriel Cousens, David Wolfe, and Viktoras Kulvinskas - the original presenters at the first Raw Spirit Festival back in May of 2005. As we spoke about the unfolding of relationships, we call now on all Raw Spirit leaders to lead by example regarding honoring differing perspectives, arousing the compassion that begets forgiveness, dignified respect, and unconditional lovingkindness. After all, We Are One LovIng Being expressing its magnificence in so many marvel-us ways. We are Godus.

We talked about the joys and challenges of creating community event, when Katharine surprised me.

K: The greatest thing about Raw Spirit Festival was that all the leaders were there. Raw Spirit was the first and only event that brought everyone from around the world together.
H: Interesting. Viktoras Kulvinskas and Gabriel Cousens, who have been the Raw Movement for decades, told me the same thing. Dozens of Raw Spirit leaders have asked me how the apparently-miraculous Raw Spirit gatherings happened year after year. Behind the scenes, as you know, Katharine, that I realized the only way I could pull it off was by the spiritual practice of radiating love while eating one's ego. I learned this while living at ashrams and at a particular Buddhist monastery in Thailand on and off for many years. With love filling my heart I consciously took responsibility and expressed my sorrow again and again for wrongs that I did not commit, and acted as a mediator between countless opposing parties. Thereby I willingly became a door mat, and eventually became the Raw Spirit Movement's most popular scapegoat. What an honor! (giggle) in order to bring us all together in relative peace and loving harmony to actualize the miraculous with 'education inspiration and celebration'.

Katharine shared how she founded and managed smaller events. After just a short while, she said she was disrespected by the entire group of about 100 participants who, unaware of the expenses, inaccurately imagined that she was raking in too much money. The next year Katharine wisely handed over the reins to the group to discover the challenges of event management for itself. Without Katharine's guidance and highly-energetic focus, the group failed. Spectacularly.

For decades I've wondered, Why is it that in Asia the ashrams, monasteries and even businesses often succeed for centuries? The followers respect the wisdom of the leaders. Here the youth and uniformed are sometimes less humble, respectful, or ready to help make things better. Instead it's vogue among some to complain and disdain without understanding. This attitude may be harming America more than any other factor. The leaders who are doing their best in all fields often lack support, so many of the best businesses are now on cosmic vacation.

H: After you leave summer Ashland, Oregon, what's next, my friend?
K: I love to live in summer around the year. My life is very open.
H: Your life always seems open. That's one of many reasons why I love you!
K: This autumn I'll be on a speaking tour of the East Coast.
H: Speaking about...?
K: "How Raw & Living Food Can Put You In The Mood!"
H: Any hints for how the readers can increase libido?
K: Durians. Figs contain seeds like little ovaries. Eating nuts increases libido, especially for men.
H: Men have nuts. They need to feed them.
K: Exactly. (giggle) For vitality, greens and sprouts.
H: A large bunch of parsley blended with water is apparently a great Viagra substitute. Katharine, you are so vibrant yourself. What are you eating for breakfast these days?
K: Chia and nutmilk, sometimes fermented like yogurt with local blackberries or other sub-acid fruits. Blackberry smoothies. Herbal teas with super blue green algae.

Since we both prefer summerlike weather we shared a few ideas of where we might meet in the tropics this winter. That Katharine has enjoyed ample sunshine in her life is evident in the warmth of her smile and sunlike sparkle in her eyes. If you'd like to book Katharine to present at your conferences health spa, yoga studio, home event, etc, call 808.280.8414 or

Katharine Clark is such a brilliant thinker and engaging communicator that I could have asked her questions all day, had not the phone rang. It was the amazing love-musician Larisa Stow calling for her interview which will be featured in next week's Raw Spirit Community News.

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JohnHapJumping-288.jpg?width=288By Happy Oasis, Raw Spirit Community News

Welcome to the Ecstatic Earth Economy. In this amazing Oregon & Northern California summer, we feel something different is going on: the Earth is rejoicing!


  • Frequent aromatic fragrances are wafting through the air, no longer of fuel, but of flowers and trees! Yes, indeed, we are smelling the bark, needles, flowers, fruits, leaves and cones of trees and shrubberies. The flora, clear skies and very air are rejoicing. Thanks to the price of gas, roads are slowly emptying, sidewalks are filling. People are walking. Stopping. And talking.
  • Once-steady, grumbling, dusty logging trucks carrying wooden carcasses are now a rarity. The forests are growing, waving and rejoicing. People are using less paper. The building craziness is over. People are hiking and camping.
  • Lumber mills and factories are now historical relics. Forest have grown over them with hardly a trace. Once-polluted and desecrated mining rivers are today pristine-looking, clean, transparent and sparkling as we've never seen before in modern America. The clear waters are rejoicing. People are swimming and bathing in nature, drinking from springs and showering in the falls.
  • With California's labeling of GMOs on the ballot, awareness of the importance of non-gmos and organics is encouraging. Farmers Markets are quietly flourishing. People are farming, foraging, growing gardens, sprouts and sharing, it seems, more than ever. The quality of locally-grown produce is a scrumptious testimony at every meal, reaching new heights of artistic expression and appreciation.
  • We dine by candlelight with hints of forest moonlight rather than succumb to florescent or incandescent battery & bulb glow. We play music and sing with each other more often than listening to music recorded elsewhere at another time. We walk through wild places in the dark and read, write and recite poetry, create stories, dance with the leaves. We use a mere gallon or two of water and the rest flows abundantly awaiting all at the river. We love going to the bank ~ the river bank ~ to get wet. We tinkle gingerly in the forest. We women are using wash cloths rather than paper. We are lightening our foot print upon the earth. The blackberries are abundant almost everywher. The acorns have profusely fallen right beneath our toeses, as if they are the original soaking almonds redeeming themselves, if we only we remember. The Earth is rejoicing, the ancient Spirits of native peoples are smiling, and we are joining in! ~ With Loving Grins from, Happy Oasis (with Johnny Light & Fabulous Friends)
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In the Beginning: Who to Be

When starting on your journey you feel infinitesimal.  The world seems so huge as you open your eyes for the first time and rub the sleep from your feeble eyes.  Please know your timing is crucial.  You have chosen this moment, now, to be who you truly are and you are magnificently beautiful.

Your power, courage and strength is like the shining of light of 10,000 suns.  Do not confuse your fear for weakness, but realize it is your strength shaking away those parts of you that do not belong that have been manifesting as sadness, anger, bitterness and self-destructive behaviors.

When you begin to wring out the fabric of your life, draining the material of those parts of your being that no longer serve you, you will begin to feel[...] to read full post click here

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10895905487?profile=originalEditors Note: This "Re-declaration of Independence" was first published in the North American News Service (Summer 1995) to restore the sovereignty of the American people. Then it was included as Chapter 15 in the 2nd Edition of the Global Sovereign’s Handbook (1998).




All thirteen free and independent, sovereign states of America, excepting the sovereign Indian nations, were in agreement in making the original Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The people then, as the people now, have gathered the courage to liberate themselves from the bondage of foreign “rule.”


When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a nation, a group of people, or an individual to declare themselves free from the “rule” of another, then it is common decency, with respect to the opinions of all other people, to explain the reasons or grounds for the declaration.


Statement of Unalienable Rights and Natural Law


We the People believe these truths to be self-evident, to be so obvious that they need no proof, that all people, both men and women, regardless of race, sex, creed, or color are created equal under the natural law. We believe the Creator gives all of us certain unalienable rights that cannot be taken away. These unalienable rights are above and beyond the civil rights any government may enumerate. That among these rights are life, liberty, property, family, community, and the freedom to enjoy happiness.


To assure that these unalienable rights are protected and preserved for all the people, governments are created to enforce and defend the public trust. The source of authority from which all governments are created shall remain with the people for all time. We the People are the sovereign power from which all laws and governments arise.


If a government abuses its power or usurps the public trust, then the people have the unalienable right and a duty to change, alter or reform their government, or to abolish it completely and start a new one that will abide by the principles of natural law.


UnCOMMON SENSE dictates that an established government should not be overthrown for petty reasons. However, it is the nature of human beings to tolerate mistreatment, to grow accustomed to tyranny and chains rather than risk getting rid of a repressive and uncompassionate master.


Government maybe a necessary and often unpredictable evil, but at certain times during its history, a government will go too far in abusing the rights of its people. Today, more and more of the American people are realizing that the federal United States government has consistently lied, cheated, stolen, abused and killed its own people for many generations, that the American people have more to fear from their own government than enemies abroad or criminals within.


That the natural expression of our freedoms, the right to own property, and the unalienable rights secured by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are perceived as a threat by our own government is a symptom of the inevitable conclusion that the federal government must be stopped! Illegal, immoral and unconscionable activities of a government out of control have now reached into the lives of all Americans.


When this happens, it is the peoples' right and duty to abolish the current government and set up a new one that will better protect our rights, preserve our liberties, and uphold the public trust. Through this “Re-Declaration of Independence,”


We the People must once again become a free, sovereign people. We the People can reclaim our sovereign Citizenship of one of the several states of the constitutional Republic. Read more (pdf)...


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By Johnny Light

Let's listen to the words of Almitra speaking of Love from Kahil Gibran's seminal work The Prophet.

Moon Star

Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For love is sufficient unto love. When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather, "I am in the heart of God." And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires: To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own understanding of love; And to bleed willingly and joyfully. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving; To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy; To return home at eventide with gratitude: And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips."

- Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

Here's several great slide shows from soon-to-be-launched networks for your enjoyment.
Photo: Half Moon and Star

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By definition, "The War on Drugs" is a campaign to put an end to a substance considered injurious used in the treatment of a disease, or a substance recognized by the U.S. Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, or a chemical or dye, or (my favorite definition) a chemical substance that affects the central nervous system causing changes in behavior and often addiction.

Wow! This to me sounds like the war on drugs should include most of our western medicines, food, soaps, make-up, skin products, colored drinks and snacks, every alcoholic drink and tobacco.  But, alas, none of these are included. Instead, the Drug Enforcement Administration has limited its attacks to homemade, homegrown, or imported 'street' drugs.

This war on crack and meth is all good because everyone knows the world could use[...] to read more click here

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FF-Fear-288By Johnny Liberty

Author's Note: This article was written three years after 9/11/01. I re-post it here for your reflection on the ninth anniversary.

Artwork: Norman Rockwell's Famous Four Freedoms: Fear, Religion, Speech and Want

"In these times, to dare to speak the truth about 911 is heresy, a revolutionary act. The future has been unfolding in the media like a novel written with malice towards freedom-loving, God-loving people everywhere. The “war on terror” is a war for the minds and souls of the people, a war on consciousness. On this nine-year anniversary of 9/11, this is a call to action, to speak out, to stand and to think for yourself. What really happened? Who is really responsible? What are you going to do about it? This is another judgment day. May you not remain blind to the engineered events designed to shape our world. What you believe is a choice of consciousness. Will you choose a world of fear and perpetual terror, or a world of love, tolerance , diversity and freedom for all? The choice is yours." - Johnny Liberty

In the hours and days following the tragic event of 9/11, I experienced a strange and wakeful honesty in the American people. As if a spell cast by dark forces had been broken, I witnessed honest emotions and tears huddled around television sets, on the streets, in the bars, offices, synagogues and churches, even in the confused looks of the newscasters
reporting the news who had no clue what was happening. For the first-time, nobody was cuing them in their earpieces, spinning the news and telling them what to say. They had to improvise.

These hours and days following the collapse of the World Trade Center, the plane crash in Pennsylvania and the Pentagon, was a time of breakdown and breakthrough. Not since the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King and John Lennon, had I experienced such a tragic yet spiritual and emotional awakening in America. These are the times that try mens souls.

What do you remember feeling that day? When did the grief really hit you in the heart? When did the shockwave of disbelief rock your world? 9/11 changed everybody and everything forever in America and the world. Whether it changed for the better or worse depends on what you are willing to look at and question.

So what happened in your world beyond 9/11?

Did you go back to sleep? Or did you finally wake up to the spin-master engineered news, false flag covert operations and pretense of lies and deceit comprising much of our daily intake of "reality?"

What are you going to do about it? How are you going to change your life in the future for the better? How are we going to change our strategy for ending "terror?" What can you and I do to prevent such an atrocity from ever happening again? How can we win this "war on terror" and ever achieve true security? What are you willing to do to create "another world order" where another 9/11 is unthinkable anywhere in the world, not just in America?

What are you willing to admit about America's responsibility, we the people's responsibility for creating conditions in the world over the last five decades that have left millions of people in enough despair and hopelessness to hate us? Why haven't we listened? Why haven't we cared enough? Why haven't we done enough to respect those who think and believe differently than we do?

What really happened that day? Who is really responsible for engineering that event? Did the 9/11 Commission get to the bottom of it and tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to the American people? Was Bin Laden really the culprit or was he just the fall guy like Oswald or another CIA asset?

FF-Religion-288What have you learned?

Nine years later on the anniversary of 9/11, what have you learned?

I learned to stay more awake to what’s really important in my life. My priorities shifted. I learned to be more watchful of what’s being said in the media, listening carefully to the lies between the lines. I am more willing to stand in disbelief than to rush into a false belief or conclusion. I’m not as willing to believe without questioning authority and the status quo. According to a Zogby International poll released last month, almost 50% of New Yorkers believe the government knew 9/11 was going to happen and did nothing to stop it.

Have you learned history often happens by design, not just by an accident of fate. An old proverb sums it up. “If we don’t learn from history, we are condemned to repeat it.”

History teaches that 9/11 could very well have been planned by a cast of characters much larger and closer to home than we’re being told or have been willing to believe. Remember the Reichstag? Hitler planned it to discredit his opponents and seize power. He accomplished his goal by a secret act of terror against his own people. Is it possible something similar happened with 9/11?

Are you more willing to question external authority and doubt the veracity of our leaders? Are you more willing to trust your own internal authority? Are you more willing to become a leader in your own life and in the lives of those around you? Are you more willing to find out the truth for yourself and use your own mind to discern truth from lies?

Awake or asleep?

Have we as a people, as a nation awoken more to the truth since 9/11, or returned to sleepwalking through our existence? Are we just too busy surviving, too tired, too lazy and too scared to live in the truth? Have we returned to the business of struggling to survive, just paying the bills, drugging ourselves with anti-depressants while entertaining ourselves and struggling to succeed in a no-win, dead-endgame? Or are we beginning to question external authority and the mainstream media story? Are we the people going to wake up for good or fall hopelessly back asleep? You decide.

Believers or doubters?

Are we the people still true believers in the mainstream media story spun hours and days after the tragic event of 9/11? Or are we willing to discover the truth for ourselves, at least doubt enough to question? Bin Laden as the perpetrator of 9/11 was spun out long before there was any evidence. In my mind, 9/11 was written like a movie script, not a real world event. There are too many unanswered questions and missing pieces to be a sound explanation. What are they hiding and where is Bin Laden? Why are we not getting the whole truth and nothing but?

Are we the people tired of being lied to, tired of being cheated and robbed of the truth in broad daylight? Are we ready to step into our own power and face the uncomfortable truth? There are huge and credible doubts being illuminated from many competent and credible sources? There are mountains of evidence that not only have the American people and the world been lied to by the mainstream media and our leaders, but high-level officials in several governments were complicit if not altogether in on the planning and implementation of 9/11.

Truth is stranger than fiction

During our darkest and most dangerous hour, agencies and individuals with the power and capacity to defend America acted incompetently. Instead of defending the country as they are obliged to do, the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, security at the airports and strategic air defenses all failed to prevent the attacks. That became clear after the 9/11 Commission reports.

They could have shot those planes out of the air before they hit the buildings. They didn’t. Why not?

Who was in charge? Who gave the order to disengage the strategic air defenses (AWAC) violating long-time standard procedures? Only two people in the world have that power: President George W. Bush Jr. and the NATO commander-in-chief.

FF-Speech-288Attack on America and the world

America was attacked on September 11th, 2001, but so was the world. Yes. America was attacked on her own soil, but by whom and for what purpose? Who benefited? Who profited? Who is paying the price? You and I are losing our freedoms, losing our liberty in the name of a perpetual "war on terror," losing our country and our way of life. This loss is as much a result of the attack on America as our reactive and immature response.

Since the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq America and the world is no safer, but less secure since 9/11. The Department of Homeland Security promotes "terror" at home and abroad. "Terror" is now institutionalized. "Terror" is now part of the American dreamscape. America has changed forever, and at this juncture America has changed for the worst not the better.

It’s not Bin Laden and Al Queda causing economic instabilities at home, although he’s a great scapegoat. Our economic decline is directly a result of failed leadership, shortsightedness, greed and complicity as a
people permitting the loss of liberty to fight this no-win “war on terrorism.” America is finally paying a price for our sins.

Change in America and the world

America is now a dying nation, just a memory of a once free country of free people, rapidly becoming another third world country economically. Who looks each other in the eyes on the streets and extends a warm welcome anymore? Who do you trust? Why are we projecting so much fear and suspicion upon each other? America is a nation no more.

America is acting like a global tyrant and bully in the eyes of most of the civilized world. America is looking and feeling more like fascist Germany or communist Russia these days, not the America I love. Flying into New York City after the Republican National Convention last month, I witnessed a city and a government under siege, under military occupation with troops and helicopters, police and barriers everywhere. How long can the U.S. Government hide behind their prison walls and keep the truth from us?

We the People as a nation are dying. Liberty and justice for all is dying. Are you going to help America be reborn as a free country or let it die in your arms? You decide what you are going to do about it.

Do you accept in your mind without question, without concern, these profound changes in America, our republican form of government and the limited power delegated to our leaders? Have you changed your mind to accommodate the perpetual “war on terrorism,” or is it still just a bad dream? Will you stand up for the nation America could be again?

The wisdom of insecurity

Do you accept airport security systems as a necessary sacrifice in the "war on terror"? Or do you avoid airport security systems by refusing to fly commercially?

The Transportation

Security Authority haven’t to my knowledge caught a single terrorist at any airport, yet millions of us must suffer delays, interrogation, blacklisting and invasive searches on a daily basis just in case one is
found. This is not a security system. This is an insult, an indoctrination system for the American people. Get used to the police state. Today, it’s more security at the airports. Tomorrow, it’s the military policing your hometown or in New York City or Washington D.C.

The day after 9/11, I knew in my gut that America had changed forever. I knew it then and see it now. If I could push a magic button and whisk America back to September 10th, 2001, I would push that button now. But I cannot. I don't have that power. Pandora will never go back into the box. Sooner or later, we the people must step beyond denial and look squarely into the eyes of our future, for better or worse depends completely on you and I.

A simple 9/11 theory

Here’s a simple theory about 9/11. 9/11 was an inside job planned by high-level officials in several governments (e.g., United States, United Kingdom and Israel). 9/11 was a covert operation planned by several intelligence communities (e.g., CIA, British intelligence, Mossad, Pakistani intelligence) on behalf of these governments and other powers in collaboration with Bin Laden and Saudi Arabia. 9/11 was another stepping stone for establishing world government and destroying national sovereignty.

The purpose for 9/11 was to change America’s democratic form of government into a fascist form of government by emergency decree of the President and by reorganizing the federal government's police powers in a Department of Homeland Security.

The purpose for 9/11 was to perpetuate a “war on terror,” justify America's empire-building around the world in 162 countries where America has a military or police presence to secure future oil and
continuous profits from war. 9/11 was a coup d’etat of the American political system which succeeded royally in duping the public to accept a change in government. 9/11 ushered “neo-conservatism” and the Israeli lobby for American military superiority in the Middle East into power.

Look at America today. Compare America with 2001 before 9/11. America’s not the same country. The whole world has changed.

The U.S. Congress lost its spine after the “anthrax” scares post-9/11. The U.S. Congress voted and passed the “USA Patriot Act” and will do whatever they’re told for fear or retribution of losing political favor and reelection. Why we the people still believe the government's lies is anybody’s guess. As Mark Twain once quipped, "How do you know the government is lying? They’re moving their lips."

Did you know the term “homeland security” was extracted directly from Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.” The global elite bent on imposing world government for their benefit alone are not only laughing at America, they are killing our sons and daughters on the battlefield of war while we the people stand by watching television and reading the same old manufactured news in the papers. Read the writing on the wall? You don’t need a crystal ball to see where America is going?

Neo-Conservatism = Global Fascism = Global Communism = Global Empire

Do you still believe it was Bin Laden who orchestrated 9/11, acting alone or in consort with Al Queda? Do you still believe Saddam Hussein had anything to do with 9/11? Are you not aware both Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were put into power, provided guns, weapons and trained by the CIA? Do you still believe Al Queda, created by the CIA while Bin Laden was under their employ, exists independent of our own intelligence community? Factions within the U.S. Government created a new enemy for
the global elite in Al Queda so America could fight the perpetual war for profit and change our form of government more to their liking.

FF-Want-288Terrorism and war

All our expensive and futile efforts at fighting this elusive "war on terror," post 9/11, have done nothing to stop “terrorism” or catch and prosecute a single “terrorist” responsible for the attacks. If anything,
our efforts have poured gasoline on the fire and created more terrorists. If anything, our efforts have stimulated and institutionalized the perpetual continuation of the problem of “terrorism,” not its resolve.

We’re chasing ghosts of America's past interventions and acts of terror against 162 countries since 1801. We’re chasing boogie men. We’re attacking innocent nations instead of the perpetrators and pointing
angry fingers at any Arab-looking person we can blame. How do you blame 2.5 billion people for such a crime?

No matter how much fiat money and military force is thrown at the problem of “terrorism,” it will not and cannot be solved by those in power or those seeking it. Neither George W. Bush or John Kerry have the leadership or the prowess to solve this problem of "terrorism."

Because the global power structure and the global elite considers the “war on terror” a solution, a means to maintain absolute control on the world as they’ve engineered it. The “war on terror” is the means for keeping power by perpetuating any highly profitable war and making the people pay for it with blood and taxes. It’s a no-win scenario, but the chosen strategy of the hour. There must be a better way to attain world peace.

With few exceptions, our present leaders will not change it. They have a vested self-interest to maintain the status quo at all costs, even a “fascist” status quo leading us down the road to global communism and a total police state.

The change in policy and tactics must come from people with a vision outside the government, from leaders independent of the political process with the capacity for communications, diplomacy and
statesmanship. The agenda is to implement massive change of our political and economic landscape. It must come from you and I.

There must be a massive revolution of consciousness, sovereign-minded and compassionate people willing to step into uncomfortable situations and take leadership where the banks, the government, the politicians, the courts and corporations have failed.

The“war on terror” will not end without addressing the roots of war: poverty, injustice, ideological differences, religious intolerance and tyranny. This war will not end by imposing the idea of “democracy” at any nation, Arab or otherwise, then proceeding to rule them by dictatorship as we’re doing in Iraq. Such hypocrisy only inflames their hatred towards America. This war will not end without intelligent conflict resolution and diplomatic skills wielded by statesmen and stateswomen detached from political or personal gain.

Bully in a china shop

America is blundering through the world like a bull in a china shop. America has become a threat to freedom and democracy everywhere. As the world’s only superpower on behalf of global corporate interests, America has become a bully pursuing self-interest and exploiting anywhere we please. America is the new bully on the block. America has lost its vision, its moorings, the foundation of liberty and justice for all. Mostly, America has lost its sense of leadership and respect in the world.

America lashed out at Afghanistan and the Taliban in a rageful fit, yet none of the purported terrorists were from Afghanistan. Most were identified as Saudi Arabians, yet we did not attack Saudi Arabia. If Bin Laden was in Afghanistan, he was well-hidden in some cave, or sequestered in a luxury hotel somewhere unbeknownst to American, British and Israeli intelligence? Or has Bin Laden been dead for years and the CIA has been doctoring up some old videos to make us think he’s still alive and masterminding his next attack on America? You can't believe everything you watch on television or read in the newspapers.

America lashed out at the people of Iraq and Saddam Hussein looking for weapons of mass destruction that were not there. Or was the war really about confiscating the oil for American and British companies? America struggles to occupy an Islamic country that has no interest in foreign
rule, especially from “infidels.” America is isolated and alone in the global community, with few allies in this effort.

What happened to the justifiable outrage after the attack on America? Has it turned upon America and the world in a strange, twisted and self-destructive way? Have we poisoned the soul of a nation and turned into our own worst enemy perceived as a threat even by our friends in the global community? Are we just another example of an another empire destined to collapse, not from foreign invaders, but from a collapse of integrity within?

Our daily lives in America and in the world have changed forever. Elected representatives, political opportunists and judicial activists at home have taken advantage of our character weakness, our fear and confusion to foist a new way of life upon America inconsistent with long-held principles inherent in the founding of this country. Instead of grieving with us on this day, the opportunist at home serves their greedy self-interest and bolsters an un-American agenda. Anyone of sane mind, might dare call it treason.

We now live in a police state, a virtual dictatorship by the President resulting in less freedom, less liberty, more incursions into our daily lives, spying by the FBI into our private lives, attacks upon our
liberties by the Department of Justice, all using the same lame excuse of fighting a “war on terror,” a war that cannot be won.

The Department of Justice acquired sweeping new powers under the “USA Patriot Act.” The President can list anyone as an “enemy combatant,” strip them of the writ of habeas corpus, due process and a trial, even representation by an attorney to defend themselves. This is a dangerous precedent and has no place in a free country, a republic of, by and for the people. Although, this power has been somewhat restricted by the U.S. Supreme Court, it's still a dangerous power and precedent.

I repeat, the “war on terror” cannot be won anymore than the “war on drugs,” the “war on poverty” or any of the other so-called wars declared by the U.S. Government. These wars are marketing concepts created by government public relations departments, not solutions to pressing problems and global issues.

Problems are not solved by declaring war or creating a new government bureaucracy. Problems are solved by thoughtful examination of all the factors involved and implementing a careful conflict resolution process addressing the underlying roots and causes. It takes a great mind and deep heart to take opposing ideas and resolve conflict, not a bully.

SignGotTruthwithChild1-288Empowerment and change. So what can we do about it?

As Gandhi once said, “It may seem very insignificant what you do, but it is very important you do it.” Large or small actions, each one of us can make a difference in America and the world. Together we can shift the tide towards liberty and justice for all, limited government and the rule of law and compassion.

We can wake up, get educated, become prosperous and share wealth with others. We can implement a bigger idea of “sovereignty” in our lives, take responsibility and reclaim title to self and property. We can work on the environment, raise a child, create new businesses to solve problems and provide services to those in need.

We can identity the causes, problems and conditions underlying terrorism and create new results and solutions. It takes resolve. It takes willpower, competence, intelligence and leadership. Are you willing to step into leadership now?

It’s not the few truly evil people in the world that concerns me most. It’s the good people, good men and women who stand by and do nothing when evil does its dance. Do something, anything to make a difference. You can.

The choice is yours.


Intelligent news for the rest of us.

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Evolutionary Activism: Being Here Now

“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

As we survey the many perspectives and manifestations of all that is occurring and intensifying globally, we might ask ourselves:

...How did it come to this? 

...How much power have we consensually surrendered for circumstances to have arrived as they have, and for so many rights to be being so flagrantly and profoundly violated, be they environmental, human, social, economic and otherwise?

bank corruption 1Naked Corporatocracy

As we progress into the last quarter of 2013, numerous global crises are revealing more than ever a sickening corporatocracy that railroads, lies, subverts and legislates to guarantee profit, power and privilege for the few at the expense of the people and the Earth. It’s a system that employs continual warfare (pre-emptive, false-flag, illegal and otherwise);  the killing of millions of people through these wars, poverty and tyranny of all kinds;  violation of international, national and personal data through global surveillance networks;  rigged markets and currency wars;  corporate-centralized media spewing endless propaganda and spin for manufactured ignorance  and consent;  increasing police crackdowns and brutality;  ‘trade’ agreement coups (manufactured in secret and going undebated nationally in the midst of media blackouts);  silencing and criminalization of journalists, protestors, boycotters, whistleblowers and dissenters;  human rights violations;  denial of climate change, etc. 

The corporatocracy is a system underpinned by an elitist, cabalist-driven, imaginary economy based on debt and that is destroying ecosystems and populations, poisoning our food, water and our bodies, whilst we are legislated, corralled and controlled into staying silent, paying taxes and voting from time to time so we can give governments the consent that legitimizes their rapacious partnerships with the Big Everything (oil, money, media, pharma, business, food, water, etc)

As this unfolds, we see judicial systems, local, national and international laws and treaties, environmental protections, civil liberties, sovereign rights of nations and populations, human rights and planetary resources being betrayed by ‘economic hitmen’ (reference, John Perkins) who employ ‘shock doctrine’ tactics (reference, Naomi Klein) so that corporate predators can further concentrate power in their own hands and continuing gaming and destroying for strategic advantage.  Instead of Constitutions enforcing limitations on the power of government to abuse power, these have been turned inside-out to enforce limitations on the power of people to exercise their rights.  All of our cultural narratives at this point are those that promote the elite, with the masses being criminalized whilst they watch the rollouts of the above in horror and disbelief, and accompanied by fear, denial, rage and powerlessness.

"We live in an era in which there is near-zero tolerance for democratic protest and infinite tolerance for bankers and government embezzlers which effect the lives of millions." ~ Henry A Giroux

Revelations by alternative media, activists and whistleblowers are ensuring that no one awake and paying attention escapes seeing the abuses of power and privilege, and where power has been hidden.  And, although the silencing, incarceration, murder, exiling and spying on these courageous people is frightening, their courage and care in truth-telling have also struck a nerve in many.  One can viscerally feel the wave forming of those whistleblowers to come, soon to break on the shore of concensus reality and denial, and continuing in their ferocity to further shake the system to the core all the more.  These insistent revelations of the oligarchy’s underbelly are a given and are here to stay, no matter how the oligarchy tries to silence them, or how we may personally want to look away.

earth-sinking-in-heavy-water-pollution-with-tons-of-plastic-containersTipping-Point Awarenesses

What is becoming clearer for many in this extremely-layered mix, is that the global coup has reached an omnidirectional, multi-faceted tipping-point, as precisely evidenced by the obscene outcomes of abuse for profit and control.  For those willing and able to read the signs (not always easy and not always desired), an unmistakable bifurcation point has crashed into our lives and screams at us to make the personal choice to face head-on this deeply-destructive and violating trajectory.  Further, it is asking us to gather up both personal and creative will, whether we are talking environmentally, politically, economically, socially, spiritually, scientifically or otherwise for we are also being shaken awake simultaneously.  We are each finding our own personal tipping-points....some sooner, and others yet to come.

Critically, the eruption and disclosure of such tipping-points are pivoting many into deeper understanding our interconnectedness and interdependence for livelihood and wellbeing, and what it means for us when we place these into the hands of the trashing runaway train that is the corporatocracy.

Crucially, we are pivoting into recognizing the deeper beliefs that underpin the worldview that allows the trashing, or sees the trashing ‘over there’ as somehow unrelated to ‘me over here’.  Powerful and accelerating disclosure is unmasking what it is we really believe about ourselves and about life, in the crossfire of this harrowing spectacle with its systemic abuses to the biosphere, our value systems, sovereignty and rights.

And for many, it is moving them into the deeper awareness and appreciation of that interconnectedness, interdependence and 'oneness' at the most deepest and intrinsic levels of ourselves, precisely by being 'shocked awake' by the corporatocracy.  YES:  what does ‘unity consciousness’ really mean?  This ultimate, inherent, non-separation on the deepest of levels of systems, people, government, land, species, rights, thought, emotion, action?  And further, there is the ‘shock’ that if we are so deeply interconnected, interdependent and ‘one’, as the mystics and scientists say, then all that is happening involves all of us, too, and it also means we are all personally accountable and responsible for these outcomes at large.

On ‘Behaving Badly’

So as much as we can ‘follow the money’ to the right or the left side of politics or to a single dictator, and/or see various connections between the corporatocracy, oligarchs and plutocrats and their toxic marriages with governments, banks and militaries worldwide, it is critical that we step beyond being stuck at this level, let alone see them as somehow unrelated to ourselves at the deepest of levels. 

These agencies are profoundly enmeshed at all levels of the human experience and they are ‘behaving badly’.  However, it’s not just about ‘following the money’:  it’s about how the criminality got so far in the first place.  It’s about the seismic shift into what exactly the deeper re-evaluation and recognition NOW mean in light of these striking dynamics and present-time, ongoing violation....and our allowing thereof.  The deeper message these dynamics  have to communicate to us amidst the exceedingly convoluted legislation, lies, narratives, ‘wag the dog’ rhetoric, manipulations and obscurations.

powerThe Powerpoint Moment & Conscious Evolution

As important as it is to wake up to even this level, it’s more critical for us right now to illuminate how this mass abdication in favour of the Big Everything came to be, and more, how we might recover the power, sovereignty, freedom and rights handed over to it.

Conscious evolution refers to humanity’s new ability to choose what the species Homo Sapiens becomes in the future. This new ability is based on recent advancements in science, medicine, technology, psychology, sociology, and spirituality. Conscious evolution places human beings at the crest of the ongoing evolution of the universe, providing a larger perspective of human potentials.Conscious evolution allows that mankind can choose advancement through co-operation and co-creation or self-destruction through separateness and competition.”  ~ Wikipedia

If we are to fully embrace the responsibility that is conscious evolution, for example, it will hinge upon the understanding of our current powerpoint moment.  The one where we recognize the toxic unsustainability of our most cherished belief systems, both personal and collective, and how, in cherishing them, we are consensually creating, in real-time, the perpetuation of the corporatocracy and its stream of abuses.  Right here, right now.  The powerpoint involves determining the internal, personal beliefs that link us to where we have not been fully awake and paying attention to our environment, politics, science, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, relationships, health and more, and to where (and why) we have not been responsibly engaged and understanding the mirror that the external world is of our cherished, internal beliefs, and what we may or may not be doing with our free will when we are thus not engaged. 

Our beliefs may thus show us that we have neither cared about nor valued ourselves or the Earth enough.  We have neither cared about nor valued each other, our environment, our rights, bodies, etc enough to be able to feel, see, understand... and take action.  We may be startled to recognize that certain of our most cherished beliefs keep us separate and disengaged, whilst personal, local, national and global results stare us in the face as never before, demanding attention, engagement, and upgrade into completely different beliefs, skillsets and response-ability.

As the alternative media, activists and whistleblowers continue dealing one blow after another to the manipulations at large, they are, importantly, also dealing blow after blow to the belief systems from whence the allowance of these manipulations and abuses came, and that allow them to continue.  They are spotlighting the enormous, ideologically-sanctioned surrender and abdication of mass personal and collective power to ‘the authorities’ at large, be they spiritual, political economic, religious, scientific or otherwise. And these blows are powerfully calling into question those beliefs to instigate the internal overhauls as much as they are certainly instigating the external ones.

Ailing or destroyed ecosytems and cherished human rights being trashed, for example, are occurring globally because ecosystems, rights et al haven’t been embraced, taken to heart and taken to the next level by enough of us personally.  To move forward now, and in order to meet the next creative, evolutionary level, we have to meet the moment with our more awakened, overhauled selves, and choose to stop being spectators. 

We ourselves are the groundcrew that meets the evolutionary gauntlet as thrown down by the corporatocracy.

Overhauling Toxic Belief Systems

A deep look at the human and environmental cost of our belief systems is required now, and how they may leave us paralyzed, inactive, docile, in denial and ‘asleep at the wheel’ of our current circumstances and of our personal and collective destinies.  It is these outdated belief systems that are the root causes of the trashing of humanity and the planet, and we are needing to come into a more nakedness awareness of how these are affecting global balances, food, water, finances, politics, oceans and more at the most intimate and interconnected levels in all our living systems.

To truly embrace the moment, we need to more masterfully comprehend the intrinsic connection between what we believe, and what has shown up when we allow Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Media, Big Religion to decide things on our behalf and to run our lives through the legislated rape of our sovereignty, freedoms and rights.  These entities are presently running amok….in our names, with our bodies, resources, taxes, food, water, land, oceans, animals, votes, complacency and ignorance because we have been lulled asleep by toxic beliefs in powerlessness, worthlessness, redemption by some outside agency and the fear that keep us looking the other way, legitimizing others’ suffering, abdicating our responsibilities, or indulging in magical or wishful thinking that God, Government, an ET or an exit to a parallel and pristine Earth could conceivably be an answer, or be what the moment is asking of us. 

We may find ourselves faced with the astounding recognition that these very beliefs keep us disconnected from seeing that biospherical breakdown and trashing are completely related to us all, and to our personal and planetary livelihood and wellbeing, as part of the greater, interconnected web of life.  That is, we are in relationship to every single one of these elements and systems.

One can only imagine how a Gandhi or Martin Luther King might view our circumstances, and in what urgent ways they would be motivated to raise consciousness, and to inspire people into the streets.

1234674_615098368531025_831664353_nPersonal and Collective Biospherical Respect

"The biosphere is the global sum of all ecosystems. It can also be called the zone of life on Earth, a closed (apart from solar and cosmic radiation and heat from the interior of the Earth), and self-regulating system.  From the broadest biophysiological point of view, the biosphere is the global ecological system integrating all living beings and their relationships, including their interaction with the elements of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere." ~ Wikipedia

The excesses of empire are obvious.  For many, too, these excesses look desperate because many worldwide have awoken and are organizing, creating, dissenting, praying, filming, writing, speaking, etc.  The places for these ‘old powers’ to hide are getting fewer and fewer, but it’s far from over yet it’s not enough by enough people….not yet.

These excesses will continue until enough individuals break through their beliefs and anchor into the personal and biospherical respect to develop the boundaries that say, ‘No’ to what is being done in their names and with their resources.  Same as what needs to be applied to any bully anywhere, anytime:  NO.   Such a capacity is based on knowing where the boundaries lie which are based on knowing one’s inherent freedom, sovereignty and rights, and thus being able to stand up and say, ‘No, that is enough.’  It is based on self-respect, self-worth, compassion, care and love for oneself, others and the Earth, and recognizing the sacredness of the web of life, deep interconnectedness and our interdependence.  It is married to the action that articulates, protects, defends and upholds those sacred freedoms and rights, for life now and life to come.  And it defines and delineates a clear ‘Yes’ that corresponds with right action, right human relations, new beliefs, dialogue, powersharing, legislation and systems-creation and maintenance that upholds that deep sacredness of human life and the Earth. 

To be continued in Part 2.....

I am available to assist you to better chart and navigate your Journey through my Diamond Consciousness Readings.   Please CLICK HERE for all information regarding my Sessions and to book your Session NOW, which can be conducted via landline or Skype anywhere in the world.

Hasta la victoria siempre,



Copyright 2013 Fatima Bacot
All rights reserved.

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Musical D'Light

Great Wave

By Johnny Light

Developing a musical social media network, network and blog for Fresh Wave Productions inspired by Hokusai's "Great Wave" decades ago. I intend this to become a powerful marketing and digital distribution website for music of all kinds including my own as Johnny Light.
Photo: The Great "Fresh" Wave by Hokusai

Here's a few links to music that I'm really enjoying these days.

  • Wanting a Light by Johnny Light is an original song from my "Fresh Wave" album produced in 1987. Whew, that was a long time ago!
  • One More Day is from one of my favorite performing arts groups "Gypsy Soul" who played a great outdoor concert two weeks ago and just released their new album "Wanderlust." Let's not take each other (or anybody in your life) for granted. Life is precious. If you had one more would you be? Who would you spend it with?
  • I Can Do Anything by Karl Anthony reminds us that we have the power to create whatever we want and need in our lives.
  • Your Know the Way by Karl Anthony reminds us that we already have the answers within.
  • By Thy Grace by Snatum Kaur is a beautiful song of praise and worship.
  • Are You Brave by Larissa Stow is from her album "Reaching Out."
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Dr. Peter McCullough joins Alex Jones live in studio to give his powerful presentation on the COVID virus, its mutations, and the mRNA gene therapy/viral vector injections.

Segment 1 – Introduction

In this segment Dr. Peter McCullough touches on the public policy decisions in response to Covid-19 that have resulted in mass death, and the current international lawsuits alleging intentional crimes against humanity. The Doctor goes onto provide a big picture analysis of C19’s origins at the Wuhan Lab, and distinctions between it’s variants. This segment provides the basis for the detailed presentations that follow including: facts about the viral lifecycle, Euler’s Ratchet, the importance of early treatment, Omicron vs Delta, confirmation that no test currently exists to identify variant identity, and finally citations from the study conducted on American loss of life due to the vaccines.

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Segment 2 – The Great Gamble of C19 Vaccine Development

In the second part of Dr. McCullough’s InfoWars interview contrary to CDC/NIH guidelines the Doctor extols the urgent need for early ambulatory therapy for successful Covid-19 treatment. Dr. McCullough prefaces the discussion of experimental mRNA and adenovirus injections with review of an article titled, “The Great Gamble of C19 Vaccine Development.” This sets the stage for a deep dive into the origins of the C19 Spike Protein, and its mechanism of action. The segment culminates in corroboration of the Whuhan Lab theory, and a detailed explanation how vaccine damage occurs, and the tissues affected.

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Segment 3- Medical Censorship & Countervailing Evidence

Dr. McCullough describes the attacks being waged on members of the medical community who publish examinations of the empirical evidence demonstrating Covid-19 vaccine damage. This includes an analysis of VAERS data showing disproportionate instances of myocarditis among men of all ages, plus a study using census data revealing up to 180,000 American deaths linked to the vaccine, making it a bigger killer than the illness. Finally, Dr. McCullough exposes the Regulatory Malfeasance occurring as CNN diabolically attempts to seduce young children to take the deadly vaccines through promotions running on Sesame Street.

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Segment 4- The Biggest Event In Human History

A current lawsuit is challenging the secrecy of Pfizer’s vaccine trial data. Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the lead experts tasked with reviewing the data should the suit prevail. Currently, the fact pattern demonstrates zero transparency between the US Government and Pfizer. What are they hiding? The first priority is to “Do no harm” and safety is valued higher than efficacy, but Pfizer is attempting to seal all trial data for 70 years making product safety evaluations nearly impossible, while the Government is failing to conduct reviews according to statutory and historical measures. Dr. Peter McCullough advises the audience on the best way to stay healthy. 

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Segment 5- Vaccine Efficacy

Dr. McCullough examines a recent study involving 780,000 VA Veterans. This and 22 other studies show waning vaccine efficacy over 3-6 months for all vaccines against all variants. Statistically this evidence demonstrates just a 1% mortality benefit, without addressing adverse events in adults, and young people geting no medical benefits from Covid-19 vaccination. With the waning efficacy, what does this mean going forward? Dr. Peter McCullough and Alex Jones predict increasing vaccine frequency tied to travel, work, etc. With Pfizer knowing about 1000’s of deaths following vaccination, is this part of a depopulation agenda?

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Segment 6- Genetic Mutations of Omicron Variant

The segment begins in review of the timeline and development of the Covid-19 pandemic including the well documented simulations preceding the outbreak that lead many to believe we are experiencing a well planned and orchestrated crisis.

Dr. McCullough reveals the genomic sequencing of the Omicron variant, which is unique from all previous strains of Covid. Omicron differs across 26 mutations occurring at the Receptor Binding Domain for ACE2 receptor sites, making this variant much less invasive than its predecessors. Dr. McCullough notes the presence of insertions in the Omicron genetic code, which are distinct from mutations, and could possibly indicate evidence of engineering. 

Dr. McCullough also dispels the false claim that Omicron should be blamed on the unvaccinated, citing a study from Denmark showing 79% of Omicron infections occurring in fully vaccinated patients. 

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Segment 7 – Destructive Public Policy Patterns

Alex Jones and Dr. McCullough discuss the war being waged against honest medical professionals attempting to save lives by revealing disastrous public policy measures in response to Covid-19. Examples include forced vaccination policies within hospitals like Houston Methodist, that have aggressively coerced staff to take the vaccination or face termination of employment. The result is these institutions are now facing shortages due to attrition of staff that resist such measures, and loss of staff due to high infection rates despite nearly 100% vaccination. The Doctor also touches on reactivation diseases resulting from immunosuppression, durability of immunity, and a pattern of the Government blocking effective therapeutics in favor of deadly vaccines.

View Here:

Segment 8 – Evidence Based Treatment Protocols

Topics include federal monoclonal rationing, and CDC exoneration of unvaccinated as causing the pandemic by their own statistics. Dr. McCullough breaks down effective Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol consisting of: 1) Precautionary principle – mass casualty event, 2) Comprehensive evidence signalling, 3) Acceptable safety, and 4) Drugs in combination. Gold standard randomized trials indicate viracidal treatments with Iodine, H2O2, Colloidal Silver, and 03 are highly effective in stopping viral replication within the nasal passage.

View Here:

Segment 9 – Call to Action

Top Scientists call on the World Health Organization to shut down vaccinations against Omicron. Dr. McCullough describes the case for crimes against humanity, and issues an optimistic message for humanity. 

View Here:

Source: Truth for Health, InfoWars & Rumble

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Mentorship, Seminars & Teaching

Johnny Teaching

By Johnny Liberty

As some of you know I've done extensive teaching, mentoring, lecturing and training in the past including producing two 12-CD audio courses. The 2nd Edition of the "Success Education Course" has just been released. Photo: Johnny Liberty Teaching at Leadership Training - Maui

  • Getting the Most Out of Business & Social Networking
  • The Business of Green Entrepreneurship
  • Leadership of the Future
  • Being a True Human
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JohnHapJumping-288.jpg?width=288By Happy Oasis, Raw Spirit Community News

Dear Godzillionaire,

"My aim has never been to be a millionaire.
And I've succeeded!"
~ Happy Oasis

"Being a millionaire is just too limited. Instead, I am a lifestyle godzillionaire. And so are you. How? Oddly. By being a minimalist. As a hiking guide in the Himalayas, while removing ~ to my clients' astonishment ~ their excess backpacking items, I used to advise that "every ounce counts." Dear Reader, can you carry all of your essentials on your back? Why wait? It's SMF. So Much Fun.

The lighter our load, the easier, the smoother, the faster, and the happier we can move through life. I lived out of a backpack for nearly twenty years! I was homeless yet called myself an "Adventure Anthropologist" while exploring, entrepreneuring and volunteering my way around the world. Freedom is the greatest joy. If we can run like gazelles, we can be our own Ferraris, crossing any terrain, far beyond where cars can go, with easeful grace.

My wealth has always been priceless, and available to all who choose to live amidst nature's splendors. I love the simplicity of abiding for this entire year in our "creational vehicle", a humble eco-rv with phenomenal gas mileage.

One measure of wealth is what we can do without. The less we need, the greater our freedom. I love to bathe in rivers, lakes, ocean and streams, so have no need of a shower, which regardless of the marble and glass, seems like a ridiculous poor person's little box after living so long in magnificent wilderness. Moreover, swimming across a lake is better exercise than taking a shower.

I love to bask in a perfect blend of sacred silence, poetry and music with an exquisite treasure trove of the most precious, chosen-with-care, amazingly-loving, brilliantine, friends radiating a kind heart and creative edge. I am a magnet for the most fascinating luminaries which is likely why you are reading this!

How can we enjoy the elegance of less-is-more with diet too? I feel best eating less and very simply. I habitually eat only when hungry. If we habitually eat before hunger arises, something is miss-firing. To get back on track, best to drink ample water, perhaps enjoy a slice of watermelon or a celery stick at most. Lack of mild hunger means its time to exercise ~ vigorously ~ at least an hour or two each miraculous day. These dawns and dusks I love to run like a wild animal along streams or mountain paths ablaze with flowers." ~ spontaneous interview with myself, Happy Oasis.

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There is demand at all levels society for the unique political bridge-building experience developed by members of the Transpartisan Alliance. The skills, tools and know how for constructively engaging across divides to achieve greater collaboration are in demand at all levels of society, within and between all types of organizations. As part of its mission the Transpartisan Alliance offers consulting services to conference planners, conveners, organizers and design teams for: • Framing purpose, themes, intended outcomes and event invitations in ways that attract politically diverse participants • Designing meetings and gatherings that create the level of safety and trust needed to address and process the emotional wounds of division • Applying transpartisan design principles to producing gatherings that maximize opportunity to connect, dialogue, deliberate and explore opportunities to build relationships/partnerships/collaborative initiatives going forward Facilitators, trainers and speakers: Peter Hwosch Amanda Kathryn Roman Joseph McCormick Debilyn Molineaux Walt Roberts mc-banner-sidebar.gif
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DrElizabethLambaer.png?width=288By Happy Oasis, Raw Spirit Community News

Dr. Elizabeth, What's the bliss?
Dr. Elizabeth:
I'm completing my first book, Skinnydipping In The Fountain of Youth: Seven Keys to Eternal Radiance.
What a fantastic title. I'm inspired to read it already. When will it be finished?
Dr. E:
It will be finished, as you love to say, in "PDT", Perfect Divine Timing.
Dr. Elizabeth, you live up to your exuberant book title. I'm wondering why you are so dang energized and so incredibly beautiful? Have you ever fasted?
Dr. E:
Yes, after doing the first juice fast, it was as if I had plugged myself into a light socket. My cells get so excited to receive such food in this way.
Which foods are you referring to that give you the greatest strength?
Dr. E: I've been on 100% living foods for years. Fruits and vegetables.
Besides strength, joy, health and beauty, what else does dining on fruits and vegetables do for you?
Dr. E:
Living foods burst my pineal gland wide open. It helped me to remember my inherent intuition. I'm a second generation medical intuitive. I can now help guide people. My father is very third dimensional, rooted in religion, and a phenomenal diagnostic physician. Due to his keen perceptions, I asked him not so long ago if he uses a power greater than himself. "Do you use your intuition?", I asked. He answered, "I always get  a hunch."
What else have you learned from your father?
Dr. E:
That if challenges arise with family members, we can remember to ask, "What is the gift in this relationship?"
What are your healthiest habits?
Dr. E:
Being willing to be open to the possibility of saying "Yes" when I've previously been saying "No"; living from the heart, and dancing. I started dancing at age 40. I started interviewing people who have done extraordinary things. When I turned 50, I was told I would be a circuit speaker within 6 months. And I was! Part of my mission is to demonstrate that a woman can be more beautiful in her 50s than she ever has been in her life. There are a zillion expressions of beauty. The question is, is she in her joy? Any woman who is in her joy is absolutely radiant and also absolutely undeniable. I love boogie boarding and swimming in the ocean.  I love to see how much stronger I can be today than yesterday. I am going to dance rehearsal tonight with women who are half of my age. I love being on stage because I know that the Universe expresses its love and joy through me. It is about shifting our choices from fear to love. I rely on joy and also on service. If i can inspire and remind people to do whatever they love, that is delicious to me. We can all ask, "How much younger, stronger, kinder, deeper, more loving, more radiant, more beautiful can I express today?"
Wow. Inspiring.
Dr. E:
It's so much fun realizing that we have the capacity to get better every day.
What is your observation of what is happening in America these days and do you have any suggestions?
Dr. E: I am going to the place that is health and wellness. I am observing people committing to jobs they don't' love, and lives they don't love by watching tv, eating dead (cooked) foods, and consuming pharmaceuticals. I would love to see everyone opening up to what gift that each would love to give to the world. I suggest that each of us move forward with our heart, just doing what we love. If everyone chooses to live and lead with lovingkindness, compassion and joy, together we can create heaven on Earth.
I can hear the angels applauding.
Dr. E:
I was so inspired being part of the Wise Wild Women's Panel at Raw Spirit Fest this last New Year's in Phoenix, Arizona. Happy, let's have a Wise Wild Women's Panel soon on the Dr. Elizabeth show!
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